
Nov 13, 2006 01:35

Big thanks to joshysleo for covering the desk while I was offline with guests :D

And now I feel bad that I have to break out the sad puppy as soon as I get back [note to self : *finish* something .... ]

New Fic

Unfilled requests

from the vaults :

1) Chris / Rick
2) Pink / ??
3) Kevin / Nick
4) Justin / Kevin
6) JC / Lance
7) Nick / Howie
8) Lance / ??
9) JC / ??
10) nsync school story
11) JC / Lance
12) AJ / JC
13) Lance / JC
14) Justin / Chris
15) Kevin / Lance or Nick or Justin
16) AJ / ??
17) JC / Justin or AJ / JC
18) JC / ??
19) Robbie / ??
20) JC / Lance
21) Chris / JC or Lance or Nick
22) Aaron/Jesse McCartney
23) Nick with child
24) Aaron / Nick
25) Joey & Lance
26) Kevin / Chris and/or Nick
27) Lance, JC, Kevin and Howie
28) Chris / Lance
29) Joey / JC
30) Justin/Lance
33) AJ / Nick
31) AJ / Nick
32) Chris / Joey

new requests

1) Lance / ??


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