Justin, Lance, Nick

Apr 11, 2006 00:19

we watched lots of performance footage this weekend and I am reminded just how much I *heart* Justin really. Can I have lambs, please, or JuNi or, you know, all three?

let's see. AU?. not-as-teenagers. Mention of tattoos?

Please and thank you.

lance, lance - nick, nick, justin

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stellamira April 12 2006, 09:11:22 UTC
Lance stayed with them, in their bed, even after he'd woken up. He was still weak, and he couldn't get up the first few days, so he stayed in bed. At night, they both held him while he cried and tossed around, Nick muttering soothing words in his ear.
He stole Justin's sleep. He also stole their water, their food and their bed. He stole Nick.

Justin heard them talking when he wasn't in the room, saw them touching when he was. When he woke up in the morning, Lance was facing away from him, toward Nick, one hand somewhere on Nick's body - his shoulder, his side, his hip.

The first time Lance got up for more than a few minutes, he walked in on an argument about him.

"You don't even know who he is," Justin yelled, slamming his fist down on the counter. "He could be one of the others."

"He doesn't have any of their marks," Nick said. "You checked that yourself."

"He could've had them covered up."

"You've got more than a fair share of tattoos yourself, Justin," Nick replied coolly. "Are you covering anything up?" He took a step toward Justin, laying a warm hand on his arm. "We have to help him, Justin. You know how times are. He needs everything we can give him." Food, friendship, love - Justin heard the unspoken words.

"Nick, we have barely enough for ourselves to -"

"I can leave," Lance said from the doorway. He was still so pale and fragile-looking, the bruises barely faded, the cuts barely healed. He wouldn't last a day outside. "If you want me to go, I'll go." His voice was trembling.

"You're staying." Nick never took his eyes off of Justin. "There's always something to share," he said softly.

There's always something to share - the words echoed in Justin's head until they made him sick.

He found them together eventually, when he came home from getting food and painkillers. There were soft noises coming from the bedroom, and when he followed them, he saw them from the doorway. Nick and Lance, on the bed, kissing. They were naked, twisted together. They were beautiful.

Lance's marred skin against Nick's golden tan, Lance's firm muscles against Nick's soft curves. There was a smear of wetness along Nick's thigh, Lance's cock half-hidden where he curled into him.

Nick noticed Justin first, looking up. They didn't look guilty, or embarrassed that Justin had caught them; they didn't even let go of each other. Justin didn't say a word, didn't make a move, not even when Nick stroked his hand down Lance's spine, drawing a soft whimper from Lance. Slowly, deliberately, Nick leaned forward and kissed Lance again. They were careful about it - Lance had a split lip - but the kiss was open-mouthed right from the start. Justin could see their tongues sliding together.

When they stopped, Nick's lips were red and shiny, Lance was licking his slowly.

"Justin," Nick whispered. "Come here." He stretched out a hand.

Justin took it.


ephemera_pop April 12 2006, 16:53:51 UTC
Ohh! and Ouch! and Yay! and - Im not doig so good with the coherence, but this is lovely and spare and shivery and thank you!!


stellamira April 18 2006, 13:38:24 UTC
You're welcome. I'm very glad that you like it. :)


ephemera_pop April 23 2006, 16:55:26 UTC
coming back round again while indexing, and this realy is a source of joy and happiness - you rock in the extreame!


geneli4 April 19 2006, 19:13:42 UTC
*clings and flails*

this is sooooo good, and i man, i love it a lot and want MORE OMG!!! no pressure, seriously, i'm just saying, it's addictive like all good au's are addictive and i just, man, they get in my head and i want to know what happens, what happened and what happens next, too, you know? guh. *loves*


stellamira April 20 2006, 14:52:56 UTC
Aw, you're making me smile so hard. Sadly, I'm not sure there is more. I mean, the story's told, they might or might not be happy now. Besides, I don't know what happened. :) But I'm sad to leave them too, so you never know.


geneli4 April 23 2006, 18:45:40 UTC
I mean, the story's told,

i SO get that. *hearts*


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