Many many thanks to everyone who wrote, read, and requested - keep it coming folks!
Still without fic :
from the vaults :
Clay Aiken/Female2)
Kevin / Brian4)
AJ / Brian5)
Joey / Nick6)
Chris / ??8)
JC/Justin with Carrie Underwood9)
Brian / AJ10)
Justin / JC11)
Chris / ?? 12)
Kevin / AJ13)
Brian / Nick 14)
Chris / Lance15)
Joey / ??16)
JC / Lance17)
Chris / Joey and new, but not yet filled requests :
Justin / Lance2)
AJ / Howie or Howie / Lance3)
Lance / Nick / Pink New ficlets this week :
Joey / JC for
ephemera_pop by
pensnest JC / Lance for
ssecca01 by
punky_bruusterr Justin / Lance for
grapekitten by
ephemera_pop [if you write a ficlet, especially if it's an old request, or the second story for a request, please drop a comment to this post to let the mods know, so we can give you your props. Thanks!