[fic] Art of Match-Making[Demon Diary][for selena__wolf]

Jun 30, 2006 16:09

written for a (filled) request made by: selena__wolf
Fandom: Demon Diary
Pairing/characters: Krayon/Erutis, hinted Eclipse>Raenef
Warnings/notes: Post-series, because I couldn't fit in Chris.

Disclaimer: I don't own Demon Diary.

All of it had started with Eclipse kicking her out of the Castle, pretending that Raenef had no need for a knight anymore - a statement that was so blatantly untrue, especially in view of what had happened the last time Eclipse had allowed Raenef to go and visit Chris in the Temple by himself, that Erutis hadn't been able to do anything but gape and demand if Eclipse had lost his mind.

Doubtlessly, she could have phrased her feelings a bit more tactfully, though she wasn't sure if it'd really have made a difference. Eclipse didn't seem the type to change his mind easily, and it had been a depressingly long time since Erutis had been able to pull off a helpless-puppy-look that always did the trick for Raenef.

She'd just finished tossing a coin to decide whether she'd go North or South when Krayon had shown up, in a shower of golden sparks that barely managed not to be tacky and impressed Erutis as being 'extravagant' instead, a word that could easily be used to describe any part of Krayon, from his clothes to his personality. For some reason, he appeared to expect she'd be happy to see him.

Krayon had babbled something about Eclipse not appreciating her properly (which was one of those truths coming from the mount of babes and idiots, obviously), about his undying love for her (yadda, yadda, same old stuff again), about Raenef not deserving her (... well, maybe, but he was such a cute kid) and, finally, about how he'd like to show her around in his palace.

Erutis had sighed and said 'no'.

Krayon had informed her his palace was a place fit for a jewel such as she.

Erutis' next 'no' had been a little less exasperated, and a little more annoyed.

After waxing poetically about her supposed virtues (Erutis was not and had never been 'maidenly modest', as far as she was concerned) for nearly half an hour, Krayon had repeated his invitation.

By then, Erutis had decided that if she wanted to reach the nearest inn before dusk, she'd better get rid of Krayon. She made sure her (hopefully) last refusal had been very, very clear, and bordering on rude - Eclipse had honed her instincts too well for her to be able to actually be outright insulting to a Demon Lord, but Erutis was still capable of being scathing and firm.

Krayon had started pouting and, somehow, spotted Eclipse who'd apparently hung around for a while, presumably to make sure Erutis would leave. The two of them had exchanged some comments which went over Erutis' head by several miles, but which resulted in Krayon vanishing without any special effects, and Eclipse staring at her in disgust and taking her back to the Castle.


The gifts began arriving three days after the getting-kicked-out-and-dragged-back-in incident, which had been weird, but no weirder than some of the other things that Erutis had seen happening in the Castle, and which she therefore almost considered normal.

Eclipse made no reply when Erutis asked him how the mountain of presents and flowers had ended up in her room, though he did have the decency to dispose of the items Erutis discarded immediately (for being either too expensive-looking or too fattening to be of any use to her) and allowed her the use of a spare guest-room to stack the things she didn't want to throw out just because they came from Krayon. By the time a month had passed, she needed a second room.

Raenef started dropping (very unsubtle) hints about how he wouldn't mind getting chocolate and other, less easily-recognizable sweets that had to taste uterly divine, if they tasted as good as they looked. Erutis ignored them for the most part; Krayon's presents weren't of the kind she felt she could pass on to anyone else, like a pair of woolen socks nobody wanted. She didn't actually *want* them, yet she also didn't want anyone else to have them. To salve her conscience though, she informed Eclipse about Raenef's sweet tooth. Dessert became a very dangerous part of dinner after that.

It took Krayon another four weeks to put in a personal appearance himself, although he did so with his usual flair and style, showing up to recite an ode he'd composed in her honour below her balcony. Erutis strongly suspected foul play when she discovered someone had removed all the flowerpots that had been standing on her balcony the day before, and went to sleep with a pillow over her head.

The look Eclipse gave her at breakfast the next morning was considerably less than friendly.


Erutis might have admitted to being curious what Krayon'd look like in normal clothes, to someone whom she could be sure of not to talk about her lapse and be believed by anyone. She'd told Chris, once, and he'd replied that he was positive that she'd look great in a dress - obviously, there'd been some sort of misunderstanding there, only Erutis hadn't felt like clearing it up right there and then. She'd also told Raenef, in an unguarded moment, which had been a mistake.

Telling Raenef was nearly the same as telling Eclipse, and Eclipse wasn't someone Erutis wanted knowing about her deepest secrets. He'd doubtlessly be very polite when he made fun of them, and Erutis was sure she'd be able to get in a few hits of her own if it came to an outright war - Raenef might be clueless, but *she* wasn't - yet he was still Eclipse.

Eclipse wasn't someone Erutis wanted to mess with. Eclipse was someone Erutis wanted to get an annual Christmas-greeting from, which arrived three months too late for Christmas because he lived half a world away from her. By some miracle, Eclipse's coldness didn't seem to rub off on Raenef, and Erutis had to admit it was amusing to watch the two of them dancing around each other. Still, Eclipse taking an interest in her could only be bad news, in Erutis' opinion.

The idea of Eclipse taking an interest in her love-life was one that didn't bear thinking about.

"I wish to see the world," Krayon informed her, in a voice that contained the merest hint of choirs, soothing waterfalls and poetry. "The human world."

"Have a pleasant trip," Erutis replied. She gave him four days, two if it'd begin raining at any point. After that, he'd give up and come back to pester her some more.

Erutis hoped the weather'd be very, very good.

"It would be better if he'd have a guide to accompany him," Eclipse said. "A human," he added, just in case she hadn't gotten the hint. "Capable of defending herself by mundane means."

Erutis considered to play dumb, but settled for praying for rain. She hated traveling in the rain, true, only there were worse things.


It took Krayon seventy-four days to find something to complain about. Erutis'd have been amazed if she hadn't been too busy cursing the inn-keeper and demanding him to return the money she'd paid him for the two meals that tasted as inedible as they looked and smelled.

The trinkets she'd taken along with her to sell - all of them gifts from Krayon - were still safely tucked away in a corner of her saddlebags; saving two princesses, one prince and slaying one small dragon had left them with more than enough funds to eat well and be able to afford single rooms.

"You're not so bad when you're not constantly hitting on me," Erutis informed Krayon, after one glass of wine too many, in a different inn, that same evening.

"Thank you." Krayon smiled. "Although actually, you should thank Eclipse, for letting me know that you couldn't possibly fall in love with anyone unless they'd slain three dragons for you, with their own hands, and without using magic."

Erutis needed some time to ponder this.

"It's harder than I thought, slaying a dragon. Terrible for my hairs, I'm sure." Krayon sighed.

"You know ... I think I could also fall in love with a guy who'd help me pay back a certain Demon for setting me up. He's got this huge crush on someone, only he's too shy to tell them. He's just begging to be teased, but, well, since I'm just a weak human ... " Erutis shrugged helplessly.

"My dearest Erutis, we both know that you are anything but weak." Krayon's smile widened. "Still, I do believe I shall enjoy aiding you in your revenge more than seeking and destroying another two dragons. They're quite vicious."

"So am I, when someone's really pissed me off," Erutis assured him.

"I know." Krayon grinned.

Raenef was overjoyed to see them showing up at the Castle the next day.


fic, demon diary

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