
Feb 05, 2006 14:43

Hey everyone, in honor of the month of Feburary, and the fact that I am in MAJOR need of pr0n fluff I would like to make a general Valentines request for any of the following fandoms and pairings. I am leaving this totally up to the authors interpretation, as long as there is a bit of angst and lots of cuddles at the end(g-NC-17, depending onf the author). The fandoms I would like, but the community is not limited to:

Gundam Wing: (3x4) or (3x4x5)
Yu-gi-oh: Puppyshipping(Jou/Kai) or Puzzleshipping(Yami x Yugi)
Legal Drug: (Rikuo x kazahaya) <-please make this one really funny!!
FAKE: Dee x Ryo
Yami no Matsuei: Tzusuki x Hisoka
Fruits Basket
Naruto: Sasunaru, Sasunarusaku (sasuke x naurto x sakura)
Final Fantasy 7: Reno x Tifa, cloudx Sephiroth
Thanks again everyone!!!
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