FIC: One Day at a Time (X-Men) (for illmantrim)

Jun 03, 2005 23:50

Title: One Day at a Time
Fandom: X-Men (movieverse)
Pairings: None really, hints of Bobby/Rogue
Rating: PG
Request: for illmantrim; request here:
A/N: This fic challenge is a really good one! I hadn't intended to take it this way and may give it another shot later in the month. :) But for now, this is what I came up with. And I deliberately didn't date anything, because the movie left it vague.


Well the Professor seems to think that writing a diary of sorts might help me deal with the aftermath of Liberty Island. It seems a little odd to think that I’d have to deal with the "aftermath" of anything, though. I mean, only a few months ago, I was just plain ole Marie, living in Mississippi, planning an adventure.

Now I guess I’ve lived one. And it was more than enough. I did get to see Canada though! And if it hadn’t been for Logan, I reckon I would have made it up to Alaska as well. Even after I hooked up with him, I still sort of thought that I’d get up there sooner of later. I never planned on sticking around.

I do like it here, though. No one has quite the problem I do, but all of the students here are real understanding about my "disability." Of course, they’re all a little scared of me, too. I guess they should be. Logan’s got a healing factor and both times that he’s touched me, he still nearly ended up dead.
It’s sorta funny, in a ha ha way, because I can still ‘feel’ him grumping in my head from time to time. I guess he’ll always be there. Just like... well, never mind that.

Anyway, Logan’s gone now. He stole Mr. Summers’ bike when he went, though, so I’m guessing he’ll be back eventually. I know they don’t really get along, but Logan doesn’t really strike me as a thief. I’m not sure what he strikes me as, though. A friend, I guess. My best one, since I changed.

It sure was funny, though, when Mr. Summers realized that his bike was gone. For a few minutes, he thought that one of the students had hidden it from him and he was furious. Then Dr. Grey told him that Logan had it, and he got real quiet and muttered a few words that he doesn’t like any of us to say.

I like Mr. Summers okay, although he’s pretty uptight. I think it’s only a matter of time before Bobby drives him over the edge and I have this vision of a little puddle of ice water once Mr. Summers blasts him. Not that he ever would. I don’t think I’ve ever met someone more controlled than he is.


I think I have a crush on Bobby Drake. Maybe I shouldn’t admit that, but hey! This is MY diary! He’s been hanging around a lot and he taught me how to play poker the other day so that I could play with him and John and Piotr. They weren’t too thrilled that I crashed "boy’s night," but I didn’t really care.
It’s nice to have someone want you to be with them. Even if nothing can ever happen. If I could kiss anybody, though, I think I’d want it to be Bobby. He’s such a nice guy, in a goofball sort of way. He does love his pranks, though.

The other day, Ms. Monroe was trying to water the flowers in the greenhouse and Bobby froze the watering can. A whole huge block of ice fell out onto one of the orchids. He was embarrassed and I could tell that he felt bad about it, but I still thought it was kind of funny. I’m not sure if Ms. Monroe was able to save the flower or not.

She’s got really interesting powers and can control the weather. I think Jubilee was the one who told me that she used to be a worshiped as a weather goddess by some tribe in Africa. It’s strange to think of that, but I can actually kind of see it. She’s one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen. She actually does look like a goddess, with the white hair, so I guess that calling down rain and lightening must have been pretty convincing.

Jubilee is pretty sweet, too, although she’s got a bit of an attitude. She’s very "California" and she is obsessed with trendy clothes and stuff. She also told me that she lived in a mall for a while after her parents died. I felt pretty bad for her, losing her parents like that, but I guess it’s not all that different from me. My folks aren’t dead, but they might as well be. It was pretty obvious that they were scared of me after...

Anyway, some of the kids are putting on a movie, so I think I’m going to go and watch.


All the kids are calling me Rogue now. Even the professors are just calling me Rogue. I think it’s the white streak in my hair. Kitty asked me I was going to dye it back normal, but I don’t think I am. I’m NOT normal, after all, and the white streak is a sort of reminder. Sometimes, I don’t actually believe that this is my life, but all I have to do is see myself in the mirror and I remember.

I remember Magneto touching me and activating the machine. It was awful, I could feel it pulling energy out of me like it was sucking away my breath. I could hear people screaming below me, but... I didn’t actually think anyone was coming.

They all did, though. They all risked their lives to save me. It’s odd to think that they’d care that much, but I guess they do. Dr. Grey was really nice to me once we got back to the Mansion. I was so afraid that Logan was going to die, but she kept telling me that it was going to be fine. I keep his dog tags on the night stand next to my bed. I miss him and I hope he comes back soon.

The Professor told me that he had to go and figure some things out. I guess I can understand that. I left my home, too, to try and figure some things out. I don’t know if I ever figured anything out, but I hope that Logan does. He deserves some kind of peace.

Professor X seems pretty confident that he’ll come back eventually. I guess I’ll trust him. I’m not sure if he can actually tell the future or not, but I guess if you can get inside someone’s head, you know things about how they’ll react. It makes sense. I’ve been in Logan’s head, too, and I think he’ll come back. I just wish I knew for sure. He hasn’t even called.


Kitty scared the crap out of me earlier today. She just walked into the bathroom while I was in there. Straight through the door! Not even knocking or anything. I told her she scared the crap out of me and she said I was in the right place then. I guess she had a point, but I was really glad I was just putting on makeup and not doing anything else.

She told me that I should go shopping with her and some of the other girls today. I don’t know though. I don’t know many of the girls here besides her and Jubilee. And shopping isn’t so much fun when bare midriffs, mini skirts, and halter tops are the rage and I’m wearing as much clothing as I can find.

Besides, Bobby said something about going to a movie. I think I’d rather do that with him. I’m not sure if it’s a date or not… John might go too. But, it’s not like I can really date him anyway. I think that I’d like to, though, if I could.

I’m not sure what I think of John. He’s really… intense is the word, I guess. He has this lighter, with a shark painted on it, and he’s always flicking and playing with it. He can manipulate the fire, too. I’ve seen him set a trashcan on fire once and it was a little scary. Bobby told me not to worry, though. He says that John is a pretty decent guy, he’s just rough around the edges.

I don’t know for sure, but I think maybe he didn’t have such a good relationship with his family. I can relate.


I had the same nightmare again last night about Liberty Island. For a few minutes, I think I was really dead and I keep dreaming that I am dead, but I can still see everyone and hear them, but they can’t see or hear me.

I already won’t ever be able to touch anyone again, so the thought of being totally cut off like that is awful. It makes me feel sick to my stomach. I went downstairs and watched tv with Jaime for a while. Nothing really was on, but that wasn’t the point.

It’s funny, but I wandered down there in my pjs. It’s the first time I’ve gone out of my room not fully dressed and wrapped up against the chance of running into someone. I guess this place is really starting to be “home.”

I always used to love Saturday mornings at home. I used to wear my pjs all morning and eat sugary cereal and watch cartoons. Maybe I’ll do that this Saturday. I know some of the other kids do it.


I did it! I watched cartoons in my pjs. It’s the first time since I left home that I’ve done this. It was really nice… I felt like I was home for the first time since I left last summer. After that Boby and I did go to the movies. But John didn’t come. I think it really was a date, because Bobby paid and we even had ice cream afterward.

Is it wrong that I’m this happy? Part of me feels like I should still be upset about my family, or about what happened on Liberty Island. The Professor said that I shouldn’t forget where I’ve come from, and he’s right. But, I don’t want to not see where I’m going either, if that makes sense.

I guess I’ll just keep taking things one day at a time.

x-men, fic

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