Title: Paradigm Shift
frostberryjamRating: PG
Fandom: Crimson Spell
Pairing: Havi/Val.
Requested by:
raphaellover who wanted Val's feelings towards Havi over
here Havi had kissed him.
Havi had kissed him.
It was like knowing the stars would always shine in the night sky and waking up one evening to see the sky an empty void of velvety darkness. It was a paradigm shift and Val was left on shaky, crumbling ground because for the longest time, Havi had been his support. It might be considered foolish to depend so much on a prickly, antisocial, selfish wizard whose greatest joy in life was collecting magical artifacts obsessively, but Havi was Havi. Val was used to it. Wouldn’t change him for the world.
Havi had kissed him.
That still didn’t quite register in his head, although his lips tingled at the memory and his cheeks flushed hotly. Not due to indignation, and surprise didn’t bring that sort of reaction…. Val raked his hands through his hair, trying to think and he would pace if he thought that it wouldn’t tumble him to his knees.
Unconsciously he rubbed his lower lip with a thumb, almost still tasting the man and the feel of his body, so very different from a woman’s. It had been foreign and shocking - and yet somehow familiar as well. In a way that left the cursed prince perplexed, more so than he needed when his thoughts were already all over the place.
Havi was important to him. Not just because he was the wizard who might possibly be able to take the curse because when one got down to it, there were wizards all over the place. They practically tripped over one every few days on their travels. Havi was his friend, his companion, the only person that accepted him unflinchingly.
Because he loves me? The thought stopped everything else. Val pressed his thumb hard against his lower lip, feeling overheated and a little breathless, and all that from only a memory and a thought. It didn’t spurn disgust, fear or anger, although he’d been shocked at Havi’s actions. You have to build up to that sort of thing, damn it. Val thought with irritation, not aware of what he was implying to himself. But then… that really wasn’t Havi’s style. Romance? Flowers? Sweet love poetry?
Val burst out laughing. No, he wouldn’t want that from Havi. What he wanted was an explanation, and to apologize, because he thought he had seen hurt in Havi’s face when Val had rejected him out of surprise.
Then I need to find him.