fic (Murphy's Law Squared) SG Atlantis, for scherhezhad

Jun 27, 2008 06:55

Title: Murphy's Law
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Author: karrenia
Rating: PG
Recipient: for scherehzhad's previously unfilled request.
Request Details:
words: 1065

Disclaimer: SG Atlantis belongs to its creators, producers as do as all of the characters who appear here or are mentioned; they are not mine.

"Murphy's Law Squared and Then Some" by Karen

It is said that the beginning of all things start out small. If that were true maybe what came afterwards might have been easier to bear. Rodney stared at the screen for the final time hoping that it might miraculously tell him something different than it had in the last seventy two hours; yet it was a vain hope.

He had been working on increasing the power dispersal throughout the city, hardly even taking a break to reflexively shovel in the contents of the food cartons that Dr. Zelenka or someone had placed on the console conveniently at hand and right beneath his nose.

Oh, sure as lead scientist on the project Zelenka and the other members of his team were quite familiar by now with his single-minded drive to complete a project, and even somewhat amused by forgetfulness to make time on the schedule to stop for little things like food and sleep.

Rodney still felt more than a little put out that he couldn't solve this particular puzzle.

Given enough time and under different circumstances he might be able to; time at the moment was a luxury he simply could not afford.

Dr. Zelenka interrupted his brooding meandering thoughts by saying: “If we activate the energy shield it will most assuredly drain all of the power from other parts of the city.”

“Obvious much,” snapped McKay and then exchanged a significant glance with his friend, sighing, “Sorry, I’m just tired. “Tell me something, I don’t know.”

“It may be our last ditch solution,” Zelenka replied, slightly mollified, he had taken a break to eat, unlike Rodney, but they had all been burning the candle at both ends and were feeling the effects, but giving up before finding a good working solution to the problems facing the city and its inhabitants; was not an option.

Elsewhere John Sheppard cursed and yelled and banged his fist against the metal bulkhead of the wall, glinting in the flickering red emergency lighting having long ago tuned out the blaring alarms.

It is not the situation that drives him to swear a blue
streak; he's been through this before, or situations much like it, however no amount of drills or even previous experience can adequately prepare anyone for the unexpected.

No, it's not the situation of the unexpected Wraith attack on the city, it is more the fact that John Sheppard hates not being able to find the solution. Two three years serving on the frontlines of Atlantis' military forces Sheppard feels well, obligated to be the one to come up with the solutions to just about any problem, even the weirdest and hair-brained ones that seemed to crop up almost once, maybe three times a month.

He had already discovered that the sporadic power outages and the breakdown of the city-wide communications grid meant that for the duration, he would be cut from anyone else who might be trapped or in need of help, and with a rueful grimace, John realized.

"That means nobody knows where I am either," he muttered under his
breath. "Get a grip, Sheppard, and think. McKay and the other science guys are doing what they can to restore power to the city."

Moving away from the bank of computer stations, monitors and other equipments he moved to the far wall of the room standing with his elbows braced on one of the windows that looked out upon the city's exterior. The view was spectacular, but at the moment John was not there to admire or appreciated; instead he was eyeing the sheer amount of distance between them, then distance he would have to traverse to get from his tower and to the main section of the city.

In the back of his mind even John, with his flair and well-earned reputation for risk-taking, realized with a brief chuckle, "This is more than a little bit crazy, but what else can I do? Sit here and wait for someone to find me. Not my style; not if I can help it."

The tower he was currently the lone occupant rumbled and shook and that was enough for Sheppard to decide it was time to stop wool-gathering and make his move.

He found a loose strut lying around he picked it up and stepped forward to the window and used it to break the glass, sidestepping the flying shards after he did so. His boot heels crunched on the floor, he grabbed the window casement and pulled himself up with his arms, sprawling on the casement, and then wiggling around until his body was almost flush with it, lying lengthwise.

Finally, outside of the window with an equally daunting distance to fall should he slip and the equally daunting distance to climb up, John, almost, but not quiet reconsidered this venture, but as he swung around to a standing position on the edge of the tower he thought, "Nothing ventured, nothing gained."

While Sheppard clambered around the city’s exterior, McKay was on the verge of taking a plunge of his own; one that did not actually involve a death-defying several hundred feet drop into very cold water below his feet; still it was a plunge that might very well land his friends and colleagues in very hot water, metaphorically speaking.

“Rodney?” Dr. Elizabeth Weir approached where he sat at a table holding his head in his hands. “Rodney,” she prodded again, this time with a touch more worry and urgency in her voice. “Are you okay?”

He looked, the red-rimmed circles around his eyes made him look much akin to a raccoon, and if the situation had been different, she might have remarked on it, but she needed Rodney, or anyone of men and women gathered in this room to come up with a working solution to their current problems. In the back of her mind Elizabeth made a silent addition, ”scratch that, make that a ‘good working solution. I am sick to death of the other kind. Not that I want to borrow trouble, but here's to keeping our collective fingers crossed.'

fic, stargate atlantis

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