[FIC] 'Flight Without Wings' - Final Fantasy VI

Jun 26, 2008 16:03

Title: Flight Without Wings
Author: Selena__Wolf
Fandom: Final Fantasy VI
Request: Original Request
Pairing: Setzer/Terra
Requester: kristinmachina
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Don't own any of it.

Notes: Never actually did finish beating the end of the game (Got lost in Kefka's base at the end...), so if anything's wrong... sorry! ^_^;

Flight Without Wings

Terra smiled softly into the growing twilight from her place on the hill a little ways from the city. She kept up her silent, contented vigil as one by one, twinkling little stars began to show themselves, and she couldn't help but try to play her own variant of connect-the-dots with the stars.

That little clump to her left looked kinda like her father Maduin, the glittering cloud of stars to her right was Carbunkle.

And the mass of stars right before her was the Blackjack.

Terra blushed softly and pulled her gaze back down to earth with that last thought.

She was fairly uncertain as to what she thought of the dashing pilot, it was different than what she had once felt for Locke. She hesitated to claim it was stronger, just... more.

She was also fairly certain she made a fool of herself on a fairly regular basis, nowadays, as he brought supplies to the rebuilding city every week.

Rain or shine, sleet or hail, he fights his way to get them their supplies. Depending on the weather, he may be a day or two late, but he never lets them go for any longer than eight days without supplies.

Just a few months back, when winter had them all firmly within it's grasp, Setzer had flown through one of the worst ice storms she'd ever heard of to bring them medicine for the number of ailments that had broken out.

He had ensured everyone got the medicine required, followed her willingly back to her house, then huddled up in every blanket she could find in front of the fire, trembling completely from the cold. She had been certain he would be in need of some of the medicine himself, but somehow he had been alright.

She smiled slightly and turned her gaze back up to the sky and grinned at seeing a star growing closer. She knew it was the Blackjack.

Leaping to her feet, she transformed in a blaze of pink to mark his usual landing place, then leapt to the sky and headed for the ship.

"Hello Terra! Lovely night out, huh?" His rich voice hollered as she got closer.

She grinned wildly and landed on the deck in front of him, becoming human again in the process. Her Esper form hated being forced to be out of the air. "Yes. It's very warm out tonight, and the sky's are so clear."

She settled in on one of the benches quietly to let him land his ship in peace, and quietly helped to unload the supplies like always. After all, it was rather difficult to talk when holding boxes that seemed to weigh twice as much as you.

Once everything was unloaded, Setzer stretched his arms and grinned, watching the stars. "Brought a few paintings of Relm's with this shipment, and some carvings from Gau that she painted up too."

Terra smiled happily as she stepped up beside him, tossing her ponytail of green hair behind her. "That's wonderful! The children love Gau's figurine's, and everyone adores Relm's paintings. Thank you again Setzer."

"Not a problem." He grinned, turning to look at her. "You've thoroughly proven I'm just a big'ole softy at heart." He playfully pouted.

She giggled and transformed, leaping in front of him. She watched his golden eyes open up in surprise as he asked, startled, "Terra?"

"I wanna try something." She stated, and watched him nod. She carefully held out her hand. "Careful Setzer, but try and touch my hand?"

He blinked, but unhesitatingly wrapped his hand around hers, seemingly unconcerned with the fact she was pretty much just glowing pink flames in the general shape of a human in this form.

She yelped, but sighed in relief as soon as she realized he wasn't harmed. His impish grin made her stick her tongue out at him though, and caused him to laugh.

"Now, what was it you wanted to try?" He asked the floating being before him with an impish grin.

Terra decided that two could play at that game, and flew around behind him, securely wrapping her arms around him, and leaping upwards before Setzer knew what was happening. His startled yelp turned into a gasp of awe when she hovered a good ten feet off the ground, carefully readjusting her grip around his chest.

"That's amazing Terra." He breathed, looking down at the ground in awe.

She just smiled slightly. "Hold on to my arms Setzer - I thought you might like to see what it's like to fly."

He willingly wrapped his arms over hers and she started to fly around, going slowly at first, both for his benefit and hers. She really didn't want to risk dropping him.

Eventually, Setzer had to call out to be put back on the ground - he really couldn't feel his arms any longer and figured that probably wasn't a good thing.

He had the softest smile on his face she had ever seen by the time she landed, turning back to human as she did so.

fic, final fantasy vi

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