I'm not sure if this is okay (the rules state "one calendar month", it's now April... x.x ), but here goes:
This was largely spurred by an LJ-comment conversation the other day. Basically, I want a House/Phoenix Wright crossover fic; there are multiple ways of going about this (is someone suing House for malpractice again? Drugged up on Vicodin all the time? Rough bedside manner? etc), but the criteria:
-recurring characters from the Phoenix Wright games 1-3 (i.e., the ones that star Phoenix Wright) are allowed, though special emphasis is of course on the lawyers - Phoenix Wright as the defence, Edgeworth either defence or prosecution, Franziska von Karma as prosecution, etc. (You don't have to have the entire array, either, but I'm just outlining what characters would make sense.)
-pairings are optional
Have fun!
kitsunenomiko, House MD/Phoenix Wright, any, lawsuit, crossover, 4/3/08