you're amazing. we'll see. I have other stories in the works too. I might revise the last chapter, and have Ryan go to detroit, leaving behind Steve, their love never to be realized.
Hey, you wouldn't dare! Would you? lol. We'll see doesn't mean no, or yes...but I'll take a maybe...I can work with a maybe. I'm just that good. Just you wait and see Ms. Elise! lol (sorry, the sun makes me do funny things, haha)
Awww Elise! I didn't have a chance to check my e-mail until now and boy was I happy when I did! The ending...I was never expecting that from you...the intensity and the details during a scene like that...WOW. It was hot. I'm not use to using that word when commenting on your stories either...Definitely a pleasant surprise, jeez girl, I didn't know you had that in you. You're fantastic. There are just so many layers to you and your writing. You really blew me away, reading an ending like that is one thing, but having it come from you is another. The element of hotness is so evident, but your intimate instincts are still in play. I'm going to say wow again.
I'm sure whatever changes you made to the dialogue is great. I definitely think you should post it. I'm still kind of in shock that you wrote something that hot...I knew you had it in you, but I didn't expect you to write it out. I'm really glad you did though. You have a lot of depth.
thank you!! you know i'm nervous about sex scenes, so i'm trying new things with them, to improve, you know? It's so nice to hear that they're going over so well, and that it was hot and sexy and good.
I ain't too proud to beg missy, lol.
i'll prolly post it a bit sooner anyway.
give me your email.
i'll post it tonight.
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