Sep 24, 2005 10:38
I mark with a marking key.
Originally I wasn't going to release this key. Because I thought it might affect the way some people write. But now I'm thinking, a person really can't change their marking style to please the marker, you should write the way you best express yourself. But hey, if you can change your style to suit the marking key and get good marks, then it proves you are a star creator. This is also to prove against some speculation that I like randomly look at things and give them a number depending on the fandom or author. Because I don't. I know some people are thinking that. Basically this is a mark out of 10 so for most of the marks it's a hit or miss; meaning, you get it or you don't.
I don't award points according to your fandom (despite what people might think) and I certainly don't award points for characterization...seeing as how this is fandom I should but I don't because I haven't watched everything that people are going to write about. I'm just going to trust that you guys do the fandom proud in some way or form.
10 marks.
1*Reaching the word minimum you automatically score 1 mark. Meaning you don't have to hit the word target to enter but if you're aiming for high scores this is a good place to start.
2*Theme. I award 2 marks for theme. 1 mark for including the theme in your story. I want to see references to it throughout or at least 2 major references to it. I award the second mark for extended use of the theme. As in rather than taking the theme as is, you delve into it and explore the possibilities, explain and further the use of theme. Taking summer for example, people managed to include summer festivals or explain the extreme moods and physical behaviours of their characters rather than just throwing their characters into a "this is summer" setting.
2*I awarded 2 marks to character. 1 mark for showing the character has a personality, creating a 3-d kind of character that can hold his/her own in a story. The second mark is awarded for furthering the character, completely developing the character in a way that I feel I can know the character without even having watched or know about the fandom you are writing about.
2*Flow of the story is given 2 marks. I award the first mark for craftsmanship here. If I see repetitiveness in certain words (you use a certain word or description too many times too quickly) you lose a mark or if you continue to harp on one description point for too long you lose the first mark. ie. if I can tell you're just adding words to make the word count. If you are doing that however and I can't tell...then I mark that up as good craftsmanship. Second mark is how smooth the story runs. If you can move along the plot happily then I award the second mark. If I'm reading the story and I feel it's going too slowly...or you're skipping too many things or if it's going nowhere then you tend to lose this point. I don't mind stories that are a stillframe in time and you're exploring that frame...but make it clear in your writing style and you will still receive this point. Basically an essayist will tell you that you must engage the audience you're writing for, try to draw them into the story. If you give them enough time to step back and take too many breathers, you will lose this mark.
1*Vocabulary. I award 1 mark for the use of good vocabulary. And if this means that you use a thesaurus, then go ahead. It's great to learn new words and such. You lose half a mark however if the word doesn't sound right in the sentences that you're using it in.
1*This mark goes to Spelling and Grammar. You can make up to 3 errors before you lose this mark. You lose half a mark if I see any spelling or grammar mistakes. This attributing to the fact that since this is all done on a computer you can just throw it through microsoft word. Better yet, if you have a huge group of friends, get them to beta. I have nothing against that.
1*Paragraphing and story break up. This is awarded basically for your paragraphing during your text. I have a bias against short paragraphs but this bias doesn't affect the marking. I have said this in a critique I think. As long as you use proper paragraphing in your story you will receive this point. However if I see excessive paragraphing for no reason then you will lose this mark.
This marking key is written in my book by Alex, my other half and the other mod. I can't really explain any of it so if anybody has any questions about it then post it here and I'll throw the question at him. Basically he is without internet at the moment so ...yea.
2*Character - 1 mark for the appearance (likeness to the character(s)) and 1 mark for the expression of the character(s)
5* 1 Mark towards lineart (cleanliness, complexity); 1.5 marks to the painting (harmony, choice of colour, cleanliness); 1.5 marks to attention to detail (interaction of elements), 1 mark to technicality/execution (match skill/technique)
2*Foundation and Fundamentals; Anatomy of the characters gets 1 mark and the colour gets 1 mark.
Theme receives 1 mark.