Round 2 is over.
so...8 entries out of 19. How very very interesting. And irritating.
At least there are still enough participants to actually make this a competition. I swear if the entries dwindle below 6 I'm going to scrap this round and re-do it. Not as a warning to you guys but I don't feel there is much of a point offering prizes if the majority of the people who registered for the game aren't even competing.
Although since there have been only 2 rounds. It isn't too late for new people to register, I can offer bonus 2 rounds to allow people to catch up points-wise. If anybody watching this community would like to participate still, I am re-opening registrations with the option of doing an extra challenge for the next 2 rounds to make the game fair and even. Once again can the people watching this comm please advertise.
There will be a 1 - 2 week break...probably only 1 seeing as how I only have to mark like 6 entries. ...Urgh. Round 2 will begin on the 8th of October to allow any late participants to enter.
Once again this round's prizes are
1st Prize : Paid Account for Livejournal (12 months)
2nd Prize - Loveless OST - First press (includes the Loveless sticker)
3rd Prize - Kindaichi Case Files - Volume one : The Opera House Murders (manga)
Runner up - One month 1GB download gift voucher for Streamload
with the offer that any 1st 2nd or 3rd place winners may trade their prize in for the runners up prize. Also, if any of the winners would like to exchange prizes and the choice is accepted by both parties then I don't mind trading also. (Eg. if the second place winner wanted the 12 months LJ and the 1st place wanted the OST then I don't mind sending the prizes to alternate parties.) If you don't win and the winner doesn't want the prize, you can't put up your hand to claim it however =p
Please pimp and get this competition up and running again. And to people who are a bit iffy about me actually awarding prizes, you can be pleased to note that I am modding this community with a "permanent" account and as I don't want to lose my permanent account then I won't be lying with it ^.~ At the most I can be broke and the prizes will be sent out a month late..but seeing as how this lasts for 10 rounds and I'll only be needing to buy one round of prizes a year..I sincerely doubt it.
edit PEOPLE! I am sick of giving extensions. I don't mind if you have a legitimate reason; and I'm sure you all know what I mean by legitimate - moving house, computer failure (within reason) etc. But you must all realize, I'm not your primary school teacher receiving homework, this is a competition. Stricter competitions would have disqualified late entries. Please please please don't make me be mean. Giving extensions for the sake of "I'm only an hour away" is just disregarding me giving you a close date for entries. It frustrates me. Please don't frustrate me.
Edit2 After
lcm 2 more entrants will be accepted.