[Harry Potter] [Snape/Hermione] The Price of Freedom

Jul 10, 2007 17:05

I'm going with the 'single posts until we catch up' thing that DS mentioned in her previous post - should anyone have a problem with that, I'm more than happy to skip ahead.

Title: The Price of Freedom
Author/ess: rhosymedre47
Series: Harry Potter.
Length: 5 chapters, multipart. 37861 words.
Character/pairing: Snape/Hermione, some OCs, an assortment of HP characters.
Rating/warnings: I assume spoilers through Half-Blood Prince but everything has melded together in my mind and I can't remember when stuff happened. NC-17 rated for a sex scene.
Summary: Hermione decides that it is time for some reforms to the wizarding world system of justice and enlists Snape's support.

I've had a long-standing deal with myself that I wouldn't venture into the realm of HP fanfiction until all of the books had been released, and now that they have, I'm taking my first tentative steps into the fandom. I think I'm biased and will never fully appreciate characterisation in these stories; as such, I probably won't comment on characterisation in my HP recs. I'm entirely satisfied with the canon pairings and so I'm doing what I always do when I like how the original ended - I'm reading crack pairings. insipid_paragon piqued my interest in this particular awkward relationship, and has given me quite a list of favourite stories to get through (♥), but here's one I found on my own through the very useful sshg_exchange comm.

The future never quite goes as expected, and Hermione comes to realise that two-and-a-half years (give or take) after setting up a pressure group called the Campaign for Magical Equality and Justice. No matter what she does, she just can't seem to make a difference, and she's all but given up when Fate comes shuffling into her office in the guise of one Gloria Shunpike, mother of Stan. Stan's still imprisoned in Azkaban, and now it's Hermione's mission to see him freed, but she can't do that without some knowledge of the law, quite a few Galleons, and the help of a most unlikely assistant, the former Professor Snape...

I'll say right off that while I had some issues with this story, it was a wholly engrossing read. Firstly, the mechanics are a little wonky - there were missing commas/other punctuation and some sentences were a bit odd. Secondly, I found the random sex scene entirely unnecessary and actually just skimmed that part (but perhaps it could have been avoided, since it was a request-fic). However, as a whole, this fic is excellent - long and meaty, with an interesting plot, some clever snippets of law, a liberal helping of humour and some quite brilliant exchanges between a mellowed Snape and an older Hermoine. I thoroughly enjoyed it and I really appreciate the obvious effort the author has put into this intriguing story, and it's well worth the journey to the crack side, if you're into that kind of thing. :)

Preview: Hermione was a whisker away from actually yelping. As it was she jumped violently. The voice was perhaps not as malevolent as she recalled, but nonetheless it did not sound friendly.

She turned and tried to compose herself.

“Miss Granger,” said Severus Snape. “What do you want?”

Her first thought was that he hadn’t changed.

Her second thought was that he had.

Edit: Now with Hermione's name spelt correctly. I suck.

rhosymedre47, multipart, snape/hermione, harry potter

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