[Doctor Who] [Ten/Rose] A Thousand Languages

Jun 12, 2007 23:01

Title: A Thousand Languages
Author/ess: madlori
Series: Doctor Who
Length: 3073 words, oneshot.
Character/pairing: Ten/Rose, mentions of Jackie etc and some OCs.
Rating/warnings: No spoilers and rated PG-13.
Summary: Rose thought she knew how it would be when it happened, but things are rarely as we imagine them.

I know I always preface these sort of recs with things like "I don't do established romance fics...but" or "marriage stories just bore me, but" and I hate to repeat myself, but I'm just always so surprised when I find stories outside my reading sphere that I actually enjoy. I'm a creature of habit, comfortable with the known, and...yeah. On with the rec.

The story begins, as many do, with a moment - the Doctor cuts himself shaving and Rose wipes the blood away. The moment becomes another and their relationship becomes something more and Rose thinks it should change everything but almost everything stays the same. And so begins a series of firsts, of milestones, that have the potential to be life-altering, but they aren't.

This fic? Wonderfully realised, wonderfully realistic. There are so many stories out there that glorify sex and make it into OMGLOVE, but this makes it part of a natural progression in a relationship that was simply meant to be. Each moment feels like a giant leap, but then Rose realises that's merely a small step in the journey of life that she and the Doctor are making together. Lovely, lovely, honest work. Read, please.

Preview: She’d thought everything would be different, but it wasn’t.

He doesn’t say the words. She finds that she doesn’t need to hear them after all. They travel on, flitting from star to star, popping back to the Powell Estates once in awhile. Bring down another cheap demagogue before tea, just another day at the office. Free some terrorized slaves on a pirate planet, and it’s off to Royal Albert Hall to hear Yo Yo Ma. But now, when she holds his hand, his fingers on hers call to her sense memory his fingers on other parts of her body, parts that only he gets to touch now.

He upbraids her for wandering off. She chides him for thinking he’s so impressive. He makes fun of her wardrobe. She mocks his TARDIS fixation.

doctor who, madlori, oneshot, ten/rose

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