[House M.D.] [House/Cameron] The Shortest Distance

Jun 02, 2007 11:44

Title: The Shortest Distance
Author/ess: sam_storyteller
Series: House, M.D.
Length: 10251 words, three chapters. Multipart.
Character/pairing: House/Cameron, with Wilson, Chase and Foreman as expected.
Rating/warnings: Rated R. No specific spoilers, but mentions of Stacy and some season two things.
Summary: After losing a patient, everyone reacts differently; Foreman writes charts, Chase does Sudoku, Wilson goes to the movies, and Cameron kisses Greg House. House can't resist telling Wilson; Wilson can't resist putting his oar in; Cameron can't resist her one shot at pinning House down.

I'm soooo far behind in season three of House. I think I've seen the first ten or so eps, and the darn things finished already! As you all should know by now, I'm mercurial with fandoms; I throw myself headfirst into something and obsess it to exhaustion, and then the next shiny thing comes along and seduces me into following that. To help myself get back into House-mode, I'm going through stories I've enjoyed previously, and this one was well worth a second read.

A patient dies. It happens, of course, infrequently for the Diagnostics Team, but it happens nonetheless. Everyone has ways of dealing with death, and Cameron cycles through the team, observing, before she meets up with House and deals differently for once. An opportunity arises, she takes it, and things she's only thought about before start happening from there.

House was perhaps a bit more amenable here than I recall him being, but it works in the context of the story and honestly, if people wrote fics that accurately showed his relationship progress, they'd need to have about a hundred chapters. Cameron was characterised nicely (I particularly like seeing her with power, as she has here), and some of the banter was fabulously done. Humorous, clever and very well-written, there's a reason I've avoided most of season three, and the lack of canon evidence for stories like this has a lot to do with it. Check it out.

Preview: "I have lunch," he parried, offering her the paper bag. She took it and peered inside, but it was mostly bundles wrapped in paper. The elevator beeped and they walked to the Diagnostics office in silence. Inside, she set the bag down on the table and began unpacking it while he walked to the sink and took down their mugs.

"Reuben...yours..." she said, setting it down. "Which means....turkey on pumpernickel is mine."

"Oh -- I didn't mean I brought lunch for you," he said. "I'm saving that one for later."

"You don't like pumpernickel," she said, unwrapping it. He handed her the white mug she liked and a bottle of orange juice from the fridge.

"Well, now that you've got cooties all over it," he sighed, sitting down.

house/cameron, multipart, house md, sam_storyteller

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