Title: Chicken Licken Pairing: Daniel/Miles Word Count: 753 Rating: PG A/N: At the lostsquee luau, Queen siluria asked for weather-related fics. Summary: As a storm rages outside, Miles tells Daniel a story to pass the time.
So cute! Miles and Daniel were perfectly IC. I loved this bit: Miles curled around him, his nose nuzzling against the back of Daniel's neck, and he realised with a lurch that they were fucking spooning. What the hell? So Miles! Great fic.
This is great! You captured Miles' voice really well, and both he and Dan are very IC. I really love these two together, and this made me so happy! I love the spooning line especially. Great fic!
I haven't ever read Daniel/Miles before, but your title intrigued me and I had to check it out. I'm glad I did! You got both their voices down perfectly, and the ending was both a little bit snarky and a little bit sweet. Just the way I like my fic. Great job! :)
Comments 13
Miles curled around him, his nose nuzzling against the back of Daniel's neck, and he realised with a lurch that they were fucking spooning. What the hell?
So Miles! Great fic.
I love a snarky Miles, but I also love your comment about being snarky to Daniel is not allowed! :) Lovely voices in this - thank you so much!!!
My faaaavorite boys. Love how if anybody else made scientific comments like that they'd be a know-it-all, but Dan's just being Dan. So sweet.
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