Title: Common People Pairing: George/Mitchell Word Count: 882 Rating: PG A/N: Written for phantomreviewer for the ABC meme, 'temptation'. Pre-series. Summary: After meeting George for the first time, Mitchell visits him again.
This was paced just right, it didn't feel too fast or too wrong, and you got the characters' voices about down. I'm not sure about the pleasantly startled in the second scene for George; that's the only thing I couldn't picture the way you described, because he is kind of a snarky, spastic personality. Other than that, though, it was perfect.
Now I'm singing the Pulp song they used in the pilot in my head, and can't stop. Thanks.
Comments 17
Now I'm singing the Pulp song they used in the pilot in my head, and can't stop. Thanks.
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