Title: Clean
Pairing: Topher/Victor
Word Count: 240
Rating: PG-13
A/N: Written for
Summary: After a wipe, Victor retains a few fragments.
There are -
(colours and pictures and the taste of another man's skin under his tongue).
Victor frowns. His head buzzes with memories that are not his.
"Did I fall asleep?" he asks. The residue is fading.
"For a little while," Topher answers. He smiles.
(that smile looks down upon him as he licks his way down from Topher's navel. "Oh god," Topher mutters, and closes his eyes).
"Shall I go now?"
"If you like."
He feels unsteady on his feet. The pictures still blur, but they are distant now. Disappearing like water through a sieve. Victor stands and he feels -
He does not like sad.
("Wish I didn't have to wipe you," Topher murmurs once they're both sated. Victor laughs and teases him for talking nonsense - he doesn't understand).
He does not want to swim today. He does not want to paint.
"What's wrong?" Echo asks. She frowns as she sits beside him, and when he looks at her Victor frowns as well.
"I don't know," he answers.
("Goodbye," Topher whispers with one last kiss. "Have a good treatment."
"I'll be back before you miss me," Victor promises with a grin that Topher does not return).
By morning, the memories are gone - and Victor is not sad any longer.