Title: Far From Second Best
Pairing: Martha/Tosh
Word Count: 340
Rating: R
A/N: Written for
Summary: They're used to being the ones that are overlooked - but that's not the case with each other.
They are used to being the invisible ones. Overlooked. Second best. When the Doctor looked at Martha, he wanted to see Rose. When Owen looked at Tosh, he wanted to see Gwen.
But when Tosh looks at Martha, she sees - and wants to see - her. Glimmering intelligence and endless bravery. A brilliant smile and dark, grinning eyes. Lips made for tasting and breasts that need to be touched by gentle hands.
And when Martha looks at Tosh the only thing she wants to see is her. Blushing cheeks and secret smiles. Clever eyes hidden behind her glasses. The spot on her neck right there that calls out to be tasted by Martha's mouth.
They take their time together in Tosh's bed, lingering caresses and endless kisses. "Have you ever done this before?" Martha asks, smiling. "With a woman, I mean."
"Just once," Tosh agrees. She presses her lips against Martha's bare shoulder and won't allow her thoughts to stray to Mary. "I don't want to talk about it."
"That's fine," Martha says quickly. "Really, that's fine. I wasn't prying."
"I know." Tosh smiles. There's nothing malicious about Martha; she can trust her. She's one of the few people in the world that she can trust. Martha's hand trails up the inside of her thigh beneath the bed sheets. Her fingertips are cold. "What about you?"
"I might've experimented a little," Martha says. "Okay, a lot. Travelling the universe… It opens your mind."
"I can imagine." Torchwood has shown her so many things, but Tosh knows that even her experiences pale in the face of everything that Martha has done and seen at the Doctor's side. It's amazing. She's amazing.
Martha leans in towards her, her fingertips brushing over the outside of Tosh's sex, and their lips meet at the same moment as she trails inside to the wet heat waiting for her. Tosh's breathing shivers against Martha's mouth and she finds that she can hardly think: but under Martha's careful attention, she knows that she'll never take second place again.