Title: Theft
Pairing: Merlin/Uther (one-sided Arthur/Merlin implied)
Word Count: 211
Rating: PG-13
Warning: Possible non-con?
A/N: Written for
comment_ficSummary: Merlin sleeps in Uther's bed.
His hand cards through the dark hair of the boy sleeping on the bed with him. The leather collar is still clasped loosely around Merlin's neck and there are bruises marking his pretty pale skin. Uther watches Merlin as he sleeps, allowing Merlin's head to rest in his lap.
He's perfect. So obedient, yet there is a flare of stubborn will that makes him a challenge - and that gives Uther good cause to enjoy disciplining him from time to time. He doesn't think that Merlin will ever truly be tamed, and in all honesty he doubts if he'd want him to be.
He's seen the way his son looks at Merlin; he has the same sense of possession as Uther feels, but with the sting of unfulfilled desire. He doubts if Merlin has noticed. The young man is almost pitifully unobservant. If he were a knight he would be killed within moments. Uther's fingers trace around the collar, barely skimming the young skin underneath. Merlin is Arthur's, or will be some day. This is theft, every moment with him.
Tired and alone even in Merlin's slumbering company, the king sighs through his nose - and tells himself that he will allow himself to steal Arthur's pet for at least one more day.