Pleasant Distractions - Lost - Boone/Sawyer

Feb 15, 2009 20:17

Title: Pleasant Distractions
Pairing: Boone/Sawyer
Word Count: 309
Rating: R
A/N: Written for comment_fic.
Summary: Sawyer takes a shower. Boone takes a look.

The water splashed into the pool around Sawyer's waist. Freezing cold - and on this island that was such a relief, a blessing when compared with the torturous sun that baked every square inch of land that it could reach. But not the water. Sawyer's hands pushed through his hair, making sure it was properly soaked. Wasn't much, but it got rid of the salt from the sea.

When he rubbed his hand over his eyes and then opened him, he was briefly startled when he saw blue eyes staring right back at him from the shore. It was that kid - what was his name? Young guy. Sawyer hadn't bothered to find out yet. Figured he'd learn his name when it was important.

Judging from the way that the pretty young man was staring at him now, plump lips parted, Sawyer thought that it was getting to that 'important' stage.

He was nude in the water, feeling the cold caress his skin. Looking at this near-stranger, Sawyer was beginning to think that he'd like to feel something other than just water. "Hey, blue-eyes," he said, raising his voice enough that he'd definitely be heard. The gentle waterfall continued to stream down upon his tanned shoulders and he smiled like the devil. "Want to get a closer look?" The man wavered on the shore of the pool and Sawyer's smile grew wider. "I promise I don't bite." His teeth gleamed in his grin.

"The water," the man said, stilted. "It must be cold."

"I'd call it refreshing. Get in. See for yourself."

It'd been a lonely, horny couple of days since the crash. There was a lot of skin on show in all directions. This place was a sinner's paradise.

And as Boone shucked his jeans and got ready to join him, Sawyer felt he'd gone straight to heaven.

character:sawyer, pairing:boone/sawyer, fandom:lost, challenge:comment_fic, character:boone carlyle

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