The Only Friend You Can Trust - Lost - Gen (Danielle)

Feb 12, 2009 23:27

Title: The Only Friend You Can Trust
Characters: Danielle
Word Count: 217
Rating: PG
A/N: Written for the Lost Fic Battle.
Summary: On the island, Danielle trusts her gun and nothing else.

The metal gleamed in the dappled sunlight. Black. Strong. A gun was a masculine thing, full of lethal power. Her Robert had never liked her to touch their limited collection of weaponry.

But Robert, dear Robert, was long gone and buried now.

Danielle's hands were steady and unfaltering - well-rehearsed. How many years of practice did she have with this weapon now? It was a friend. Loyal.

She lay on her front in the jungle, hidden by the loving caress of the greenery around her. The birds had fallen quiet. The air had solidified. The sun itself seemed to freeze.

Something was coming.

If it was a bear, shoot it.

If it was a boar, shoot it.

If it was one of them…

Shoot it.

Her finger rested, tense and waiting, on the trigger. Her breathing was the loudest sound for miles when the blurred flash of movement came within range. Aim. Fire. The power of the shot jolted through her.

The piglet dropped to the ground, flesh blood spilling as it squealed. Danielle got to her feet only after ensuring that the sow was not present.

Meat. Food.

Her love for the weapon multiplied tenfold. Loyalty; reliability. That was all that mattered here. Approaching her kill, she knew with uncommon certainty that she would eat well tonight.

challenge:lost fic battle, fandom:lost, character:danielle rousseau

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