Title: Endless Temptation Pairing: George/Mitchell Word Count: 438 Rating: R Spoilers: 1x01 A/N: Written for the porn battle. Summary: "Do I smell funny?"
:3 You've got George's panicked voice down perfectly. And of course, poor Mitchell - you captured the struggle with the vampiric side of himself against his feelings for George really nicely, here. Awesome work! :)
One of the things that I'm loving about Mitchell in this incarnation is how brooding, how dark, how predatory he is. And the last line is just killer. Yum.
Comments 8
You've got George's panicked voice down perfectly.
And of course, poor Mitchell - you captured the struggle with the vampiric side of himself against his feelings for George really nicely, here.
Awesome work! :)
Pretty little gem this story is. New Mitchells is nervous and nagsty, but not too much^^ Great story!
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