Title: Dungeons
Pairing: Arthur/Merlin
Word Count: 224
Rating: R/light NC-17
comment_fic has popped my Merlin!fic cherry. :O
Summary: "Do you really think - oof - that this is the most appropriate place for this kind of thing?"
"Do you really think - oof - that this is the most appropriate place for this kind of thing?" Merlin asks after he finds himself shoved onto his back.
He receives a scowl in return for his question, and Arthur's hands begin to peel his trousers away.
"Yes, Merlin," Arthur answers with a resigned sigh, barely restraining a smile. "I think that it is the perfect place."
Yeah, well, he would - he's not the one lying flat on his back on a very cold, very damp, very hard stone floor. Merlin can feel pebbles digging into his skin and is sure that one of them - most likely him - will end up with an extremely painful injury as a result of this. "Arth-"
"Oh, stop complaining," Arthur says, and promptly takes steps to shut him up with the power of his mouth, of his lips, of his tongue.
After that, Arthur's hand wraps around his cock and makes it fairly impossible for Merlin to even consider pointing out how uncomfortable he is and how likely it is that one of the guards will wander into the dungeons at any moment to find their prince on the floor molesting his manservant. With Arthur's commanding hand dragging him steadily towards climax... Well, little details like that begin to seem a little irrelevant, don't they?