Title: Time Limit
Pairing: Gwen/Owen
Word Count: 200
Rating: PG-13
A/N: Written for
7_lies. Set in S1.
Summary: Their illicit fumbles could never last for long enough, could they?
"Gwen!" he called through the door, irritation laced through his voice. "It's cold out here - will you let me in already?"
"Can't think of a reason why I should," she called back through the door that separated them. Still sulking, apparently. All he'd done was point out the obvious - that maybe her Rhys wouldn't be too pleased to find out she was shagging another bloke - and he'd ended up tossed out on his ass.
He sighed. "I'm freezing," he said. "Let me in and you can warm me up."
Pause. He licked his lips and waited, tapping his fingers against the door. He gave a relieved huff of air when Gwen opened the door to let him in again. Grinning, he stepped over the threshold - hands reaching for her hips to drag her close, his lips finding hers.
Easy to overcome.
He laughed, muffled against her soft lips. "I'm fucking irresistible," he mumbled.
Gwen shoved at his shoulder. "Shut it, you," she said with her beautiful smile. He picked her up, her legs around his waist, and carried her to the bedroom. "We've got another hour," Gwen promised, smeared against his earlobe.
Right. Only irresistible for one hour at time.