Title: Frozen on the Air Pairing: Miles/Daniel Word Count: 1050 Rating: light R Warning: implied character death A/N: Queen astra2104 requested 'ice' as her theme. Summary: "The island moves and the ocean freezes."
The island freezes over? To quote Miles, What the fuck?
This is an awesome idea, and such an original way to use the prompt! I love the images this creates in my mind - I think after all these years of beach and sun I'm just fed up enough with it to appreciate the thought of them being trapped in a world of snow and ice :)
Ha, finally some Daniel/Miles! I don't think I've ever read one (which is strange because at least at the beginning I thought they'd have been cute) and this was great. You have Miles completely spot on. Also, genial idea. Icy as soon as they move? Now that'd work.
Sawyer barks orders and that just makes it so much worse. Who put him in charge anyway? What idiot thought that was a good idea?
LOL. I love how he resents Sawyer and how he gets back at him with Daniel the way Sawyer got back at him with Claire. I really liked how you dealt with Charlotte here and with Miles' sort of feelings. The ending was just lovely, I kind of melted there. I love hand-holding, I so do. ♥ I really liked it!
I really enjoyed this. I didn't realize until I read this what a longing I've had for Miles. I loved his blunt take on things and threats toward Sawyer. Meanwhile wiggly Daniel seems oblivious to the entire affair, poor boy.
Wow! I'm finally back, after my damned computer went on the blink for two days, and imagine my squeeage when the first thing I see when I get on here is a fic from you (always enough to cheer me in its own right) ... a fic with Dan/Miles!!! If I didn't love you already, I'd sure love you now
( ... )
Great idea to see the cold of the orchid spread out to the surface. I also like the relationship you have developing between Daniel and Miles, and the way you wrote it.
Comments 14
This is an awesome idea, and such an original way to use the prompt! I love the images this creates in my mind - I think after all these years of beach and sun I'm just fed up enough with it to appreciate the thought of them being trapped in a world of snow and ice :)
Thank you so much for this!
Sawyer barks orders and that just makes it so much worse. Who put him in charge anyway? What idiot thought that was a good idea?
LOL. I love how he resents Sawyer and how he gets back at him with Daniel the way Sawyer got back at him with Claire. I really liked how you dealt with Charlotte here and with Miles' sort of feelings. The ending was just lovely, I kind of melted there. I love hand-holding, I so do. ♥ I really liked it!
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