Title: Circles in the Water
Pairing: Jin/Sawyer
Word Count: 500
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Through S4
A/N: Queen
eponine119 requested unusual pairings - I tried to come up with some Jack/Shannon but instead I… uh… ended up here: five one hundred word drabbles with Jin and Sawyer.
Summary: How're you gonna tell him about Sun?
Circles in the Water )
Comments 13
"Chewie," he calls, "you nearly done?"
Jin holds up his hand and offers a rare smile so Sawyer has to nod. "Soon," Jin says, "Han."
That's enough to make his grumpy mood disappear: he never would've pegged Jin for a Star Wars fan.
This TOTALLY owned. I loved that exchange, I could so see it! And the not-hug made me sniff. Lovely!
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I also love Sawyer describing Jin as an avenging angel when he sleeps.
An odd pairing to be sure, but you really made it work. Good for you!
The years slip past (sand through split fingers) and Jin talks a little more; Sawyer watches him a little less (though eyes still linger, and not-hugs are always available) but he always grins when Jin speaks. and the way you use parentheticals to kind of keep things unfolding, through to the end. Lovely job.
Even if this is an unusual pairing, you so SO made it so plausible, most excellently done!
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