Title: Forget Me Not
Pairing: Mohinder/Sylar
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
A/N: Written for
25fluffyfics "Writer's Choice: Coffee" prompt.
Summary: "Mohinder didn't acknowledge him in the coffee shop, eyes focused on decoding the menu instead."
Mohinder didn't acknowledge him in the coffee shop, eyes focused on decoding the menu instead. No recognition. Nothing. A few missing memories then Sylar was just another stranger to him. It was better that way, it really was. Mohinder would have kept getting involved otherwise. He would have ended up dead.
Sylar knew the practicalities of the mind-wipe perfectly, but watching Mohinder from behind the rim of his coffee cup he couldn’t help but feel a wistful pang sting his heart. He'll let him go, just like he was supposed to - but that didn't mean he'd be happy about it.
Title: And What's Your Excuse?
Pairing: Mohinder/Sylar
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
A/N: Written for
25fluffyfics's prompt "Writer's Choice: Apologise"
Summary: "Do you realise that you never even apologised for what you did?"
"Do you realise," Mohinder asks, watching him between the thick metal bars of the cell, "that you never even apologised for what you did?"
It's true. After all they've done to each other, after all the bloodshed, after all the fighting, Sylar hasn't once expressed regret for the choices he made or the people he killed. He offers an explanation: evolutionary imperative. It's bullshit and they both know it.
Within the cell, Sylar smiles - slow, broad and pleased. His dark eyes hold Mohinder's stubborn gaze with ease. "Neither did you, Doctor," he murmurs.
One sin's as bad as the other.
Title: Monster
Pairing: Mohinder/Sylar
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
A/N: Written with
25fluffyfics "Candle" prompt.
Summary: "The flame flickers. Once. Twice."
The flame flickers. Once. Twice. Slowly dying. Time runs out before his eyes: Sylar thinks there was once a time when he could have stopped this. He could have given in and sought atonement. Mohinder… There had been something in his eyes before he knew of Sylar's true identity. Trust. Hope. A second chance.
Even afterwards all had not been lost: if he'd turned himself into the police following that phone conversation… Not now. Now that hope is gone and his feet are locked on this path, for better or worse.
A monster forever - the last candle has gone out.
Title: That World
Pairing: Mohinder/Sylar
Word Count: 150
Rating: PG
A/N: Written with
25fluffyfics "Picnic" prompt.
Summary: "Down another path, they'll sit in the sun."
Down another path, they'll sit in the sun. There will be no midnight meetings, no skulking in the shadows, no constrained desires. They'll be open, they'll be happy, and Sylar will not feel the urge to destroy Mohinder every time they clash.
Sitting on the picnic blanket, Mohinder will glance towards him - squinting in the sun but smiling - and warn him, "You'll get a sunburn sitting out like that." Their lives will be so intertwined that Mohinder will know his health as well as his own.
Gabriel will smile - and he'll be Gabriel here: there will be no need for aliases - and shake his head, stubborn enough to think he knows better. "I'm fine," he'll complain. "Quit worrying." They'll be more than fine: they'll be happy.
But that world is not this one: Sylar is reminded of that each time Mohinder's fist lands home, knuckle to bone on his face.