Title: Pilgrim
Pairing: Karofsky/Kurt (gen-ish)
Word Count: 1836
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Consensual violence
A/N: Written for the "penance/punishment" square of my
kink_bingo card.
Summary: Karofsky thinks that he deserves anything he has coming to him.
Pilgrim )
Oh, that was just lovely and heartbreaking and oh, my lord. I wish I could review this with full possession of my faculties, but this story's harsh beauty has somewhat destroyed me. The way that Dave wants Kurt to punish him, is so happy that Kurt has destroyed who he used to be... just stunning. And I loved that Kurt can pack a punch! Of course Burt would teach him, and of course that would be useful in most high school bullying scenarios. Oh, my heart. <3
This line really hit me:
He can't stop touching it as he makes his way through dinner, small prods and pushes to make the ache return. It's sweeter than he could imagine.
Stunning as always, bb. Wonderful to see you round this fandom!
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This was absolutely fabulous, and I'll say it again! Really well written, and I'm a massive fangirl for you, sign my face I hope to see more of you in this community! :D
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