Dragons - Lost - Kevin/Sawyer

Sep 05, 2010 14:38

Title: Dragons
Pairing: Kevin/Sawyer
Word Count: 589
Rating: PG-13
A/N: Written for gottalovev for The Five Acts Meme. Established relationship.
Summary: Kevin has a tattoo on his shoulder.

He loves the tattoo on Kevin's shoulder, a swirling dragon with an open mouth. It had been a surprise when he had first found it, peeling away his shirt to find the hidden rebel underneath. He runs his fingers over it where they lie in bed together, Kevin on his front with his head flopped against their pillow.

"Think you love that dragon more'n me," Kevin mumbles, watching him with a lazy smile.

Love. The word comes so damn easily to Kevin. Everything seems to come easily for him, until Sawyer feels like he's been wading through mud his whole life for no reason.

"I like it," he says; he doesn't bother to move his hand away. Ain't like he cares about making Kevin self-conscious. He likes that. "Your little secret. Rebel without a cause."

"I had a cause. Plenty," Kevin protests, shoving at Sawyer's bare shoulder playfully.

And it's the truth, Sawyer knows that much. Kevin's smiles come quickly and he's just about the most easy-going bloke Sawyer has ever met, but that doesn't mean he doesn't have darkness of his own. There's a healthy pile of sadness in Kevin's past, but he's too polite to talk about it. Too stoic.

He shifts and coats Kevin's back with his own. They're freshly spent, both of them, but that doesn't stop Kevin from moaning with contentment when Sawyer traps him with his weight. Positioned like this, he is able to dip his head to press a kiss against the curling red dragon. "When people look at you, they don't see it," he murmurs near the skin. Ain't like Kevin is self-conscious about his body, but he doesn't wander around shirtless. He keeps himself hidden beneath the neat layers of his uniform, perfectly pressed and ironed.

"Can't wander around showing off my ink," Kevin says in amusement. "Might distract the criminals."

"Distracted me," Sawyer agrees with a grin, and he feels the warmth of Kevin's smile without looking up. "I like it, though. No one else sees it. But I do."

It is something that is indefinably his, something that is hidden from the rest of the world. Nobody else gets to have it; they don't even know it's there.

Secrets shared. There's something special about that.

He runs his hands down the sides of Kevin's body, over strong muscle and tanned skin. Hungry. Sometimes he thinks Kevin must've taken over his mind, branding his way into his thoughts forever. He's not used to feeling like this; can't say he likes it all that much. It's like being possessed by a demon.

"You see a lot more of me than just a tattoo," Kevin points out, with a devilish wriggle that makes Sawyer's cock long to come to life again.

He chuckles and runs his tongue over the ink. "Think I've been a bad influence on you," he says.

"Don't think I needed a bad influence anyway," Kevin counters. He's got a point there - despite the sweet smiles and gentle demeanor, it hadn't taken much work to peel away the past and access the demon underneath.

He hums thoughtfully against Kevin's skin, lips curled into a self-satisfied smile. "Looks like I got my very own James Dean," he decides - and fuck if that ain't a new nickname to store away.

"You got me," Kevin confirms - wording it just right, leaving a heavy emphasis on the words that is almost enough to make Sawyer blush. He swallows and refocuses his attention without replying. Red and gold ink upon Kevin's shoulder: a secret just for him.


pairing:sawyer/kevin, character:sawyer, character:kevin callis, challenge:five acts, fandom:lost

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