Title: Under his Thumb
Pairing: George/Mitchell
Word Count: 4162
Rating: R
Warnings: Blood-drinking, dub-con, spoilers for the S2 finale.
A/N: Written for the "humiliation (in public)" square of my
kink bingo card.
Summary: Mitchell has to demonstrate that George is under his control - whether he wants to or not.
Under his Thumb )
I remember always being impressed with the Heroes stories you wrote, so I had nose round the other kink bingo entries and just... wow. You & Your Poison is a brilliant character study for someone I didn't think got fic'd much; To Sin in Broken Bodies is like a striking mixture of ethereal poetry and epic porn that's simply made of win, and after reading In Our Home We Can Play I have to say I'm not too proud to beg for your take on Annie/Nina or the other BH girls!
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