In Our Home We Can Play - Lost - Claire/Kate

Jun 05, 2010 18:33

Title: In Our Home We Can Play
Pairing: Claire/Kate
Word Count: 2164
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: Through the finale.
Warnings: rape fantasy, roleplay.
A/N: Written for the 'consent play' square on my kink bingo card.
Summary: While Aaron is at school, Claire and Kate explore their limits at home.

Claire's high heels clicked across the kitchen floor as she paced behind Kate's bound body. Kate flexed her fingers; her arms were tied fast behind the back of the chair, but she could still feel her hands. There was no damage done to her circulation.

"Tell me what I want to know," Claire demanded. Her pacing brought her back into Kate's field of vision, where her eyes shone with blue anger. Hand on Kate's shoulder, Claire leaned in close enough that Kate could feel the whisper of her breath against her lips. "Do you think I won't hurt you? I'll make you bleed if I have to."

Kate's heart pounded. It was a game, just a game, she reminded herself. They were playing.

"I'm not telling you anything," she spat in feigned disgust. "You can't break me."

Claire ran her fingertips across Kate's cheek, smiling with a hint of insanity that had been missing from her eyes since they had first been reunited on the island. "Are you sure about that?"

No. Kate really wasn't sure. She was wearing only lingerie while tied to a kitchen chair; there was nothing to tell Claire, but she thought she might soon find herself making stuff up.

Claire's hand pushed into her hair and pulled her head back, using the exposed angle to push their mouths together. Her lips were demanding and fierce, so far from the tenderness that Kate could usually expect. She had to forcibly remind herself that she was supposed to be resisting. She wasn't supposed to give in so easily.

She held her lips together even when Claire's tongue licked against them, and she locked her jaw against Claire's onslaught. Claire's fingers tightened in her hair but she resisted, resisted, resisted, until Claire pulled back.

"Did you really think it would be that easy?" Kate said. She hoped she sounded mocking - defiant; she hoped that this was what Claire wanted, that it helped put her in control and let her own her past, chaotic experiences.

Claire's eyes twinkled in the kitchen light as she tilted her head to the side, watching Kate with amusement. "I was hoping it wouldn't be," she confessed, and the sound of the cold whisper in her voice made Kate swallow. Licking her lips in anticipation, Claire held Kate's gaze as her hand trailed down the front of Kate's chest, over the lace of her bra before she cupped her breast. Kate's nipples had hardened to stiff peaks, waiting only for Claire's attention.

"I could make you squirm," Claire said. "By the time I'm done with you, you'll be begging to tell me all you know."

Kate shook her head, even if she believed her. Even when she wasn't tied down, when they weren't playing, Claire knew exactly how to make her beg - and, with a lonely life of lost years behind her, Claire liked doing it.

With sharp, strong fingers, Claire brushed against Kate's nipple first, bringing it to attention; it was only when Kate shivered and gasped that Claire pinched hard. Sparks of pain shattered through Kate, making her jerk against her bounds. It only lasted a moment before Claire let up - and Kate could see the softness in her eyes, the question of whether or not this was alright.

815. That was all she had to say and this would be over: Claire would free her arms and they could cuddle together instead, if this was too intense, if the need to run and move was too strong.

For now, she shivered dramatically and gasped, "No! Please!" in a voice at a much higher pitch from her normal tone.

After one extended moment of uncertainty, Claire smirked. "'Please'? Okay then."

Another twist, another pinch, and it was almost too much for Kate, making her back arch from the chair in an attempt to escape - but Claire knew her limits, just as well as Kate did.

"I don't think it's pain that's going to break you," Claire said - and Kate knew what was coming next. They'd talked about this beforehand, discussed exactly what they wanted to happen. Improvising along a vague script, there were plot points to be hit. "Pain isn't your weakness."

Kate's breathing was ragged, slim chest rising and falling. "I don't have a weakness," she said. Her voice wavered.

Claire smiled and pressed her lips against Kate's cheek, a constant to the still throbbing pain in her breast. "I think you do," Claire whispered near her ear, as her hand snaked down between Kate's legs. Her fingers brushed against the front of Kate's lace panties, just enough to graze against the material. Kate was already wet, already eager. "I think I know exactly what it is."

"Don't touch me," Kate snarled, pressing her legs tight together - in doing so she captured Claire's hand against her sex, sweet, perfect pressure.

"You're tied to a chair in my base," Claire said, reaching down with her other arm to prise Kate's legs apart - Kate was stronger than her so helped out, not resisting as much as she could have pretended to. "I can do whatever I want to you."

"You won't get away with this," Kate said, as Claire hooked her fingers into her red panties and pulled them down her thighs.

Claire's hand swept onto her pussy, past wiry hair to slide her firm fingers across the wet lips, enough to make Kate's breath shiver. "You're soaked," Claire said, her blue eyes dark and amused. "I think you want this. Slut."

Excitement sparked in both of them at the sound of that last word, the daring thrill of hearing it aloud. "How dare you," Kate challenged her breathlessly. "You're sick."

"And you're turned on. Are you sure I'm the sick one?" Claire asked, as her fingers slid slick over Kate's clit, circling it once, twice, then pushing inside of her. Her two fingers stretched within Kate, pressing upward against the walls of her pussy. Kate moaned without meaning to and her hips pushed blindly against Claire's hand, desperate for more of whatever she could offer. "You're a total whore for it, Kate. It's hot."

Kate closed her eyes, struggling to remember what they were doing her. Claire's fingers were inside her, a blunt intrusion, moving slick and easily through Kate's wet sex. "No," she gasped. "I don't want this."

"I think you do," Claire murmured. "I think you've wanted this since the moment we met, haven't you?" Claire's thumb pressed against Kate'sclit, harsh and demanding, causing ripples of razor-sharp pleasure to twitch through Kate's body. Her toes curled. " Tell me," Claire insisted. "I want to hear you say it."

"You can't make me say anything." It wasn't true, not at all. Kate had lived through so much, had been on the run and had survived a magical desert island. She had lost so much before she could get here - now she felt that Claire was going to break her apart so effortlessly. It was just a game. Just a game.

"Really?" Claire pouted, producing a thickening of her lips that Kate desperately wanted to suck and taste. Abruptly, Claire pulled her fingers free from Kate and took a step backwards. The sudden loss of sensation was enough to make Kate cry out in frustration. "Maybe I shouldn't bother, then. Yeah. I'll go back to more conventional methods, right? That's what you want?"

As Kate watched, Claire sucked her own fingers into her mouth, tasting Kate on them, reminding Kate of exactly what that beautiful mouth could do. Standing before her, Claire was beautiful, dressed in a short, black chemise and with her lips red and pouting around her fingers. Her hair was tied back into a tight bun, more elaborate than the look she usually went for: it was all the role, it was all part of dressing up and acting. Kate should have been surprised that Claire hadn't picked out black leather instead of lace.

Watching Claire tasting her juices made the tingling desire between Kate's legs almost impossible to ignore. She squirmed at the sight, held back by the bonds on her wrists - and she could get free, she knew she could get free, but that wasn't the point. Slowly, deliberately, Claire pulled her fingers from between her lips. "Which do you think is worse? Me touching you, or not touching you?"

Kate felt light-headed and it was almost impossible to think rationally, to remember what was happening when all she wanted was to feel Claire's touch against her again. She didn't know what the right answer would be, what one would lead to Claire's clever fingers against herclit, so she opts instead for, "Go to Hell."

The outburst earned her a kiss, a flash of teeth, and Claire's fingers pushed brutally inside of her once more. It hurt and it ached and it felt good all the same. "If I'm going down, I'll take you with me," Claire said - but Kate's eyes were screwed shut and all that she could hear was the thumping of her own heart-beat.

Claire's fingers curled and crooked inside of her, and her other hand swept in from above to manipulate Kate's clit, but it was never enough. She was always kept just a few inches away from completion, unable to reach the peak that she needed. It went on and on, with Claire manipulating her beautifully until she felt like she might start crying, with tears forming in the corners of her screwed-shut eyes.

It felt as if it had been going on for hours, even if the clock might argue otherwise, before she had to break down, gasping for mercy. "815," she broke. "815, Claire."

Instantly, Claire's hand withdrew from its torture and Claire moved away from her, moved behind her in order to release her arms. "Are you okay?" Claire asked, worried. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Nothing, I just..." Instead of explaining, Kate grasped for Claire instead, twisting on the chair and reaching out with newly freed hands in order to hold Claire still as she kissed her. Claire's moan was muffled andsatisfied , utterly pleased with herself as Kate led around around to the front of the chair once more. She slipped into Kate's lap, her tanned legs spread on either side of Kate's hips. Kate's smile was wide and forgiving, amused at her own impatience. "I don't like waiting for you."

Claire kissed the tip of her nose, effortlessly adorable. "I like making you wait," Claire confessed - she had certainly picked up a quiet sadistic streak during her years alone in the jungle. There was something bright and broken in her blue eyes these days. Kate thought that, perhaps, there always would be.

She rolled her hips, the pair of them shifting and sliding together until they were in an acceptable position: it was difficult purely to grind together and she knew it would be easier if they put their hands to good use, but she needed to touch Claire. She needed to run her hands over the lace of her chemise and she needed to allow her touch to drift down further, over the firm flesh of her thighs.

They rock and rut together, heated pressure building within them as they pushed together, hot flesh seeking release. Kate reached first, closer to begin with, as her hands clenched tight upon Claire's skin and she cried out - and all the while Claire continued moving, rubbing against Kate's bare body, leaving wet trails in her wake. She whimpered, quiet and needy, like she always did, and when Kate could feel her fingers against she reached out to stroke her hands over Claire's bare arms, her neck, everywhere that she could touch.

Claire stopped moving as she climaxed, her entire body tensing and trembling on top of Kate. The kitchen chair groaned dangerously at the pair of them and Claire dropped her head onto Kate's shoulder.

They breathed, together.

"Are you okay?" Kate asked, stroking her fingers down Claire's spine.

Claire gave a dry, unamused laugh. "Me? You're the one that had to say 815."

Kate would have shrugged in acceptance, but she didn't want to dislodge Claire's head. "I'm not good at sitting back and doing nothing," she confessed. It wasn't their style; it wasn't in either of their nature. "But it was fun. I liked it."

"We should do it again sometime," Claire offered. "You can tie me up, if you want."

And, oh boy, Kate wanted. Pay-back was gonna be fun.

In the meantime, there was life. "We'd better get dressed," she said reluctantly. They had to pick Aaron up from school soon, and they can hardly do that dressed only in lingerie. He probably got enough hassle at school for being the only kid with 'two mommies' without the pair of them embarrassing him.

Life went on. She kissed Claire's shoulder one last time, still able to feel a pleasant throbbing in her groin, before they both stood up: ready to become respectable mothers once more.

character:claire littleton, challenge:kink bingo, pairing:claire/kate, fandom:lost, character:kate austen

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