Title: The Vodka Vortex
Fandom: The Big Bang Theory
Characters: Leonard Hofstadter and Penny
Prompt: #29 - Questions
Word count: 213
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Leonard wakes Penny up and needs to fill her in on what happened the previous night
prompt table and disclaimer “Penny, time to wake up,” Leonard announced as he walked into his bedroom, where she was sprawled across his bed. He opened the blind of his window, allowing the bright sun to hit her face.
“No,” she screamed, putting the pillow over her head to block the light.
“Come on, it’s almost noon. You’ve been in bed all day.”
“So, if you don’t get up soon I’m gonna have to call the coroner.”
“But I’m tired,” she whined.
“No one told you to drink ten vodka martinis last night.”
“No one told me not to,” she countered. She rolled over to look at him accusingly. “You’re supposed to protect me from being stupid.”
“If only I could,” he mumbled.
He smiled. “Coffee?” he asked innocently, offering her a large cup.
She sat up to take the cup from him, looking at him suspiciously. “If I did something last night, you’d tell me, right?”
“Umm… you’re gonna need to be more specific than ‘something.’”
“Oh God,” she mumbled. “What happened?”
“Nothing,” he said, shaking his head. “We got you off the table before you took your top off.”
She blinked. “You’re joking.”
He shook his head. “I wish I was. On the bright side, you did make twenty bucks… mostly from Howard.”