Title: The Fuzzyboots Redux
Fandom: The Big Bang Theory
Characters: Leonard Hofstadter and Penny
Prompt: #14- Bitch, Please
Word Count: 467
Rating: PG
Summary: Penny gets a cat that doesn’t like Leonard
Author’s Note: mentions of ‘The Fuzzyboots Corollary’ (1x3). Future fic
prompt table and disclaimer “Penny?” Leonard called, cornered in the apartment by a hissing cat. “Penny, where are you?”
She came out of the bedroom quickly. “What? What’s wrong?”
He pointed to the cat, which was still hissing at him. “What is that thing?”
“It’s a cat,” she said simply.
He blinked. “I know what it is, Penny. What’s it doing in our apartment?”
“Oh, that’s Sergeant Fuzzyboots.”
He stared at her, backing further against the wall as the cat moved closer to him.
“Sheldon told me you wanted a cat named Sergeant Fuzzyboots. Since he moved away, I figured he could kind of fill the void.”
He tried to step around the cat, but it jumped in front of him and began hissing again. “Well, honey, I appreciate the sentiment but getting an animal that is just as narcissistic and uncaring as Sheldon doesn’t replace him. Plus, I think he’s wild.”
“Now, that’s just not nice. Sheldon was house trained.”
“I’m talking about the cat.”
“He isn’t wild, Leonard.” She stooped down on the floor. “Are you, Serg? Come here, baby,” she cooed. The cat purred and walked over to her before jumping into her arms.
He stared at her again as she stood, stroking the cat. “Penny, that cat was ready to attack me.”
“He was not. He was probably just trying to play.”
“Oh, yeah. Make Leonard Crap His Pants, everyone’s favorite pastime.”
She rolled her eyes, still petting the cat. “Really, Leonard, he’s just a sweet little kitty guy,” she told him as Fuzzyboots nuzzled against her neck. “Maybe you just need to bond a little. Just come pet him.”
“Fine,” he mumbled, walking over to them. He reached out one hand to pet the cat, but Fuzzyboots swung a paw at him before he touched him, making Leonard jump back. “That thing hates me.”
“He doesn’t hate you,” she insisted. “Cat’s are very intuitive. Ever think that maybe he knows you don’t like him?”
He shook his head. “Come on, Penny. It’s a cat.”
She glared at him. “Yeah, and he has feelings too.” She turned and walked toward the bedroom.
“Wait, where are you going?”
“To bed. Serg is gonna keep me company tonight.”
“So what, you’re gonna make me sleep on the couch because of that stupid cat?
“I was until you called him a stupid cat. Now you can sleep in his litter box.”
“Excuse me?”
“It’s in the bathroom,” she told him as she walked into the bedroom. “You’re small, you’ll fit.” She swung the door closed behind her.
“Penny, wait a minute.” He walked to the door and heard the cat yowl on the other side, making him step back. “Litter box my ass. I’m sleeping on the couch.” Sergeant Fuzzyboots yowled again. “Damn cat,” he mumbled, heading for the bathroom.