The Ring (The Unusuals)

May 28, 2009 12:59

Title: The Ring
Fandom: The Unusuals
Characters: Jason Walsh and Casey Shraeger (Jason/Allison)
Word Count: 250
Rating: PG
Summary: Jason goes to Casey for help when he has problems with Allison
Disclaimer: I don’t own The Unusuals

“Casey,” Jason whispered as he walked over to where she stood in the police station, talking to Cole. He grabbed her arm quickly and pulled her with him into the break room then closed the door.

“Ok, you have my attention,” she told him.

“I need your help,” he mumbled.

She looked at him. “What’s wrong? What happened?”

“Nothing serious I just… I think I did something stupid.”

“Like, two plus two equals seven, stupid?”

He let out a breath and looked down. “I screwed up with Beaumont.”


He nodded. “You know it’s her birthday today, right?”

“Yeah, I bought her the cake that you ate before she even came in.”

“Well, I got her a ring and um… she kinda started yelling at me… something about commitment. I thought girls liked jewelry.”

“Yeah, but certain jewelry tends to have hidden meanings. Did you ask her to marry you?”

“Of course I didn’t. Why would I do that?”

“Gee, I don’t know. Maybe because you love her.” He made a face, she rolled her eyes. “You’re such a guy. What kind of ring did you get her?”

“I don’t know. The lady at the store said its Allison’s birthstone or something.”

She smiled and shook her head. “Walsh, its April. Her birthstone is diamond,” she told him.

“So, what does that mean?”

“It means your BFF, Alvaraz, gets to plan a party where a stripper jumps out of a cake for you.” She smacked him on the arm. “Congratulations.”

the unusuals, jason/casey

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