Title: Before the Storm
Fandom: Joan of Arcadia
Characters: Adam Rove and Grace Polk
Prompt: #70 - Storm
Word Count: 142
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Grace calls Adam to come over to her house on November 11th
Author’s Note: even though it’s not “shown” here, Adam does find his mother’s body in this story so... yeah
prompt table and disclaimer Adam answered the telephone on the fourth ring. “Yeah?” he said after putting it to his ear.
“I thought you were coming over,” Grace said.
He glanced back the short hallway of his house, then went into his bedroom. “Yeah, my mom’s kinda...” he trailed off, shaking his head slightly. “My dad had to go do something at work. I should stay here with her.”
“What time’s he coming back?”
A light thud down the hall interrupted Adam as he was about to answer. “Hang on a sec.”
Grace listened to the shuffle of his footsteps as he carried the cordless phone with him.
“Mom?” she heard his voice say as the phone fell out of his hand and hit the floor.
“What happened?” Grace asked.
“Mom? Oh God. Mom!”
“Adam, what’s going on?”
A click and a dial tone answered her.