Deadline has passed, 4 pinch hits

Sep 01, 2019 10:35

Apparently leaving the collection open 12 hours did the trick. Almost everyone got their fic in. Pinch hits are posted below. Pinch hits will be due the afternoon of September 8th (at about 3pm EDT, but this is negotiable).

Please claim pinch hits with your AO3 User Name and the pinch hit number either by comment (all comments are screened), email ( or DM. Please note that you will need to be logged in to see a reply to a screened comment.

Pinch hits 8, 9 & 11 have been claimed, 10 is still available.

Pinch Hit #8: Cherry Ames, Westing Game, Bobbsey Twins, Little House on the Prairie

Request 1 by DesertVixen
Cherry Ames - Helen Wells & Julie Tatham
Cherry Ames, Marie Swift

DNW: excessive violence, cruelty to animals

I find Marie to be one of the interesting friends who never gets used. Why does a society girl become a nurse? Maybe she has a double life?


Request 2 by DesertVixen
Westing Game - Ellen Raskin
Sybil Pulaski, Violet Westing, George Theodorakis

DNW: excessive violence, cruelty to animals

So, what I would really like is a story about Sybil Pulaski, the character who should have moved into Sunset Towers. How would things play out with her onboard?

Or, give me an AU where Violet Westing lives and marries George Theodorakis. Maybe Sybil is involved? Maybe there is still a Westing Game of sorts?


Request 3 by DesertVixen
The Bobbsey Twins - Laura Lee Hope
Nan Bobbsey, Mary Bobbsey, Nellie Parks, Dinah Johnson

DNW: Freddie and Flossie, excessive violence, cruelty to animals

Perhaps a ladies day out turns into an adventure? Feel free to age the girls up to HS.


Request 4 by DesertVixen
Little House on the Prairie - Laura Ingalls Wilder
Laura Ingalls Wilder, Almanzo Wilder, Cap Garland, Mary Power, Ida Wright

DNW: excessive violence, cruelty to animals, The First Four Years

I really want something light and social and happy - maybe even after Laura and Almanzo get married?


Pinch Hit #9: Dorothy Must Die, Dungeons & Dragons Cartoon, Ella Enchanted

Request 1 by Dragonbat
Dorothy Must Die Series - Danielle Paige
Amy Gumm, Pete | Tip | Ozma (Dorothy Must Die)

Other characters are welcome. I love the interaction between Amy and Pete. Also wouldn't mind Amy dealing with Enchanted!Ditzy!Ozma or some Amy-Pete friendship from Pete's POV. Or Pete reflecting on his life as Tip. As I type this, I've only read the first 2 books in the series. May have read the rest by the time posting deadline hits, but just to be safe, please no spoilers for what comes next.

Request 2 by Dragonbat
Dungeons and Dragons (Cartoon) - Various Authors
Eric "the Cavalier", Hank "the Ranger", Sheila "the Thief", Diana "the Acrobat", Bobby "the Barbarian"

Other characters also welcome. I'm pretty open to anything. Adventures in the Realm, pre-Realm, post-Realm. Friendship or Friends to Lovers (I pretty much ship the implied canon pairings: Hank/Sheila, Presto/Varla, Eric/Diana, Bobby/Terri. Would be open to one of the kids having a love/crush back home that they're either thinking of in the Realm or realize they've moved past when they get back home. I'm not a huge fan of Diana/Kosar, but not opposed to it; just prefer Eric/Diana.) Angst, Fluffy Angst, Comedy, Action/Adventure. Please keep the content maturity level to roughly what we got in canon (up to and including the issues grappled with in "The Dragons Graveyard"). I could go with Teen instead of All Ages, but no graphic depictions of sex or violence. The brief horror we got in "Quest of the Skeleton Warrior" is about as far as I want to go on that front. (I'm thinking specifically of Hank's near-transformation to a skeleton warrior.)

Request 3 by Dragonbat
Ella Enchanted - Gail Carson Levine
Hattie (Ella Enchanted), Ella of Frell (Ella Enchanted), Olive (Ella Enchanted), Prince Charmont (Ella Enchanted), Areida (Ella Enchanted)

I'd love "between the pages" stories. Ella at school or being terrorized by step-family at home (and getting what revenge she can). Friends or friends-to-lovers with Char. Please with the same light mood as the book. Not really interested in future fic, though something immediately after the book ends is okay. Just nothing post-wedding.

Pinch Hit #10: Diana Winthrop, Kairos (O'Keefe) Series, Night of the Solstice, Tom Swift IV, Young Wizards

Request 1 by Gray Cardinal (Gray_Cardinal)
Diana Winthrop series - Kate Chambers
Any Character

See letter (and ping if my placeholder is still placeholding in a week).


Request 2 by Gray Cardinal (Gray_Cardinal)
Kairos (O'Keefe) Series - Madeleine L'Engle
Canon Tallis

See letter (and ping if my placeholder is still placeholding in a week).


Request 3 by Gray Cardinal (Gray_Cardinal)
The Night of the Solstice - L. J. Smith
Any Character

See letter (and ping if my placeholder is still placeholding in a week).


Request 4 by Gray Cardinal (Gray_Cardinal)
Tom Swift Series IV - Victor Appleton
Any Character

See letter (and ping if my placeholder is still placeholding in a week).


Request 5 by Gray Cardinal (Gray_Cardinal)
Young Wizards - Diane Duane
Dairine Callahan, Carmela Rodriguez, Harry Callahan (Young Wizards), Annie Callahan

See letter (and ping if my placeholder is still placeholding in a week).


Pinch Hit #11: The Prince Problem, Mairelon the Magician, Dragon's Bait

Request 1 by Kitsune_Scribe
The Prince Problem - Vivian Vande Velde
Any Character

This is a rather adorable book which takes fairy tale standards and twists them in new and interesting ways. Telmund's genre savvy reactions don't help him as much as he'd like. Amelia's frustration with having to deal with things she had ignored as not important feels very real. And I found myself worrying about both of them throughout the book despite trusting the Author to give me a happy ending.

Possible prompts
* Amelia and Telmund getting to know each other after the end of the story.
* Wilmar's feelings and actions after Telmund goes into the river.
* Constance's feelings while Amelia has disappeared.
* The fairy that lives in the garden: Was she really as blase as she said? or was she trying to help - without having to deal with people any more than necessary?
* Worldbuilding! What would have happened if the fairy who's territory the fairy in the garden sent Telmund into had found him and Amelia?

See letter for general likes and dislikes as well as any prompts I managed to come up with after Sign Ups close.


Request 2 by Kitsune_Scribe
Mairelon the Magician - Patricia Wrede
Any Character

Honestly, anything as long as Kim and/or Hunch are exasperated with Mairelon.

Possible Prompts:
* Pre book Richard and Hunch traveling around in their duel roles of showmen and spies, in England or on the Continent.
* During book Richard or Hunch's POV. Either about events that Kim is present for or just everything going on that she doesn't/can't know about.
* Post book Transitioning back into normal life/the new normal. (Either between Mairelon the Magician and Magician's Ward, completely ignoring that Magician's Ward exists, or after both.)

See letter for general likes and dislikes as well as any prompts I managed to come up with after Sign Ups close.


Request 3 by Kitsune_Scribe
Dragon's Bait - Vivian Vande Velde
Any Character

Possible Prompts:
* Alys wanting to send an angry message with flowers and Selendrlie helping her out, and then pointing out that there's no way the person she's angry at will understand the bouquet.
* Accidental kitten acquisition. (Or any small furry creature really.)
* Post book Alys and Selendrlie going out into the world and having adventures. Big life and death ones or smaller ones of the I’ve never seen a marketplace this big before type.
* Honestly a coffee shop AU. Or just Selendrlie in a coffee shop. This makes me giggle and I don’t know why.

See letter for general likes and dislikes as well as any prompts I managed to come up with after Sign Ups close.


pinch hits, deadlines

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