Sign-ups are open. The sign-up summary can be reached from the sidebar once at least 5 people have signed up.
Post or link your Dear Fic Corner Scribbler letters here.
You'll want to list the following at a minimum:
your AO3 Name (especially if it's different from the name you're commenting with).
Fandom 1
Fandom 2
Link to your letter on or off LJ/DW
You can also post your entire letter in the comments.
A note on optional details
Optional details are optional, but participants may have very strong feelings about how they want their childhood fandoms to be handled. Respecting the ratings you match on is not optional and I ask that you also respect any squicks/strong feelings expressed in their letters.
That being said, your letter is not the place to ask for a character who wasn't nominated or a specific relationship, unless it's one of several options (or something like "I love everyone/Character X, so feel free to include them if you want"). Remember that your writer only signed up to write the characters listed and might not be prepared to write for other characters. Don't make your writer sad because they know they can't please you.
By request:
this post on Dreamwidth