Title: Two Jerks Playing with Matches
iluvroadrunner6Fandom: CSI: Miami/Supernatural
Claim: Dean Winchester/Calleigh Duquesne
Prompt: Braille - Regina Spektor
Word Count: 1259 w/ lyrics, 1188 w/o.
Rating: FRT/PG-13
Warnings: Spoilers through the end of previous seasond (Five for Miami and Two for SPN), Character Death.
Disclaimer: I don't own the characters of CSI: Miami or Supernatural. They're owned by CBS and the CW. However, any and all original characters are mine, so please don't use them without my permission.
Author's Notes: This is not included in my original Calleigh/Dean AU, but I really wanted to write the idea, and yes it's bit cliche, but I like it.
Link to table:
here (
Two Jerks Playing With Matches )