Five Acts: Round Four!

May 08, 2011 22:11

I'm taking part in the Five Acts comment fic-a-thon, which involves posting five of your favourite kinks/tropes and filling out comment fic for other people's. The master list is here.

1.) Ownership. Whether it's the possessive feeling of "ooh, my boyfriend, mineminemine", or a more formal, collar-filled power-exchange thing, that sense of belonging pleases me mightily.

2.) Switching positions. Variety is the spice of life. "Oh my word this sex is so freaking good! Let's try it bent over the table now!"

3.) Reunions. "I've missed you so much! Let's make out!" or, alternately, "Oh! I thought you were dead! Let's make out!" Making out is a very appropriate reaction to all situations.

4.) Dating. Working up the courage to ask someone out, dinner-and-a-movie, sweaty palms, first-kiss butterflies, "oooh, should I sleep with him on the first date?" nerves. I think it's adorable.

5.) Attraction. I just love it when characters are sickeningly, groin-tingling attracted to each other and find even the simplest things about the other person a total turn-on, to the point that it's hard to keep their hands off of each other in public. Requited or unrequited, both are fine with me.


Angel: Angel/Doyle, Angel/Faith.
Bedlam: Jed/Ryan.
Being Human: George/Ivan, George/Annie, George/Mitchell (pre-series, preferably), George/Daisy/Ivan, George/Annie/Mitchell, Annie/Lia.
Doctor Who: Amy/Eleven/Rory, Donna/Ten, Donna/Amy, Mickey/Jack, Mickey/Rory, Canton/Eleven.
Dollhouse: Alpha/Echo, Alpha/Victor.
Fringe: Astrid/Peter, Charlie/Olivia.
Glee: Kurt/Karofsky, Will/Sue.
Harry Potter: Harry/Hermione, Harry/Neville, Harry/Sirius.
Heroes: Adam/Monica.
Inception: Arthur/Cobb, Cobb/Eames, Ariadne/Yusuf, Eames/Yusuf.
Lost: Charlie/Desmond, Charlie/Sawyer, Esau/Jacob, Claire/Kate, Claire/Juliet, Kate/Kevin, Kevin/Sawyer.
Luther: Alice/Luther.
Merlin: Gwen/Lancelot, Gwaine/Merlin.
Miranda: Gary/Miranda.
PotC: Jack/Will
Primeval: Connor/Becker, Connor/Philip, Connor/Cutter.
Sherlock: John/Sherlock, John/Moriarty.
Star Trek XI: Chekov/Kirk, Chekov/McCoy, Chekov/Kirk/McCoy.
Supernatural: Castiel/Balthazar, Castiel/Lucifer, Castiel/Gabriel, Castiel/Crowley, John/Any-of-the-previous-characters.
The Social Network: Eduardo/Mark (with Eduardo bottoming please, if there's sex involved!).
The Walking Dead: Rick/Shane, Lori/Rick/Shane.
True Blood: Eric/Lafayette, Jessica/Hoyt.

lovely fics written for meee
+ Fringe, Olivia/Charlie, ownership, attraction, reunions by primarycolors92
+ Being Human, George/Mitchell, attraction by djkiwi2576
+ Doctor Who, Eleven/Canton, dating by entangled_now
+ Lost, Kevin/Sawyer, attraction, reunions by ciaimpala
+ Heroes, Adam/Monica, attraction by cross_rubicon
+ Lost, Kevin/Sawyer, dating by janie_tangerine
+ Heroes, Adam/Monica, attraction, ownership by jaune_chat
+ The Social Network, Eduardo/Mark, ownership by thisissirius
+ Being Human, George/Ivan, attraction by ozmissage
+ Fringe, Charlie/Olivia, reunions by tellshannon815

the play fics wot i wrote
+ Being Human, Annie/George, masturbation for djkiwi2576
+ Doctor Who, Eleven/River, tattoos for hitlikehammers
+ Glee, Karofsky/Kurt, accidental stimulation for lenina20
+ Heroes, Adam/Monica, voyeurism, protectiveness for cross_rubicon
+ Paperback Writer, Lost, Boone/Charlie, books, for janie_tangerine
+ Luther, Alice/Luther, public sex for veronicasleeps
+ Merlin, Gwaine/Merlin, quick and dirty, need to be quiet for entangled_now
+ Miranda, Gary/Miranda, music for ozmissage
+ Primeval, Becker/Connor, vampires for chosenfire28
+ Sherlock, John/Sherlock, possessiveness, touching for ciaimpala
+ The Social Network, Eduardo/Mark, sleepy sex for thisissirius
+ The Social Network, Eduardo/Mark, blades for airspaniel
+ Star Trek, Chekov/McCoy, sex pollen, multiple orgasms for jaune_chat
+ Star Trek, Chekov/McCoy, makeshift bondage for froggie
+ True Blood, Jason/Tara, showers for aurilly

challenge:five acts

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