Mar 31, 2007 18:52
Well yesterday afternoon was at last the time for my 'removal of cyst from head' operation, and to be honest I wasnt feeling too nervous about the whole thing, was rather more anxious to get it over and done with. What I wasnt expecting was that the injection to numb my head before my doctor commences cutting open my head was not going to work(!) So yes everyone, I had the most displeasure of feeling my doctor slice open my head, have a bit of a poke around until he managed to get a good grasp of the cyst, progress to feeling him cutting the cyst out (which was also accompanied by another lovely little companion cyst next to it), to then feel him stitching me back up...all the while I was not under any pain relief whatsoever =( Needless to say I got a bit teary from the whole experience, because my god does it hurt! It felt kinda gritty, and sounded kinda gritty when he was cutting my head open....most weird. He showed me the cyst once it was out, and rather freakishly it looked like a small X-Files esque creature with two little bumpy bits at the top...and was just shy of being the size of a grape. Sort of wish I had kept it...but then once I think that I immediately change my mind!
So right now Im rather doped up on Co-Codomol, have been given lovely Amoxicilin for extra precaution of infection from the wound (it tastes exactly like banana milkshake!! ^_^) and have 3 rather turquoise looking plastic stitches in the top of my head...which thankfully arent that big, and once they've been taken out Monday morning I shall be returned to my usual self...minus the big crazy bump! However until then, Ive cheered myself up with purchasing The Birthday Massacre's album, Paranoia Agent soundtrack and V: The Mini Series, most looking forward to receiving that one through the most! As well as this watching multiple episodes of Full Metal Alchemist are also serving their purpose well!!
Oh and in much less painful and more hopeful news, it looks like my money worries will be on the road to recovery as of...well, pretty much now =)
bumpy bumps and scary doctors