Aug 04, 2013 12:16
I have spectacular friends. You know how we of the chronically ill post suggestions on what is and is not helpful? (and stuff like this applies for non-chronically ill too). One of the suggestions is to offer specific help with something you know is a struggle. This has a better response rate than "let me know if you need anything," and other well intentioned, but vague offers. It's really hard to tell someone you're having trouble doing what others consider every day things. And even harder never to see friends because those every day things take up so many spoons.
So my friend L and I have been trying to get together for a few weeks, but I've been feeling crapola. Barely got out of bed yesterday and had to completely ignore my to do list. So naturally it ALL has to get done today. Just got off the phone with her and she's coming over for a combination visit and to help with my housework. YAY! Yes, we'll be working, but the most important thing is, we'll be spending Time Together in a way that suits us both. Can't tell you how splendid this makes me feel. Pass it on.