CFS and Fibro on the front page of the Newspaper!

Apr 18, 2011 13:49

A correspondent from the Times Leader (our area's largest local newspaper) interviewed my mom and I yesterday concerning CFS, Fibromyalgia, and my mom's new book, "I Have CFS But I Don't Look Sick". The article is in the paper today, AND IT MADE THE FRONT PAGE!
Oh my gosh, do you know how exciting this is!? Not only does it promote my mom's book (and hopefully generate some income for us *crosses fingers*) but it also draw attention to the illnesses themselves! We're raising awareness! There has got to be more people in my area (Northeastern Pennsylvania, USA) suffering from CFS/Fibro, and when they read this article... I just know it's going to touch them and lift their spirits knowing that they're not alone. And, at least for today, CFS and Fibro aren't "hidden, unknown illnesses"... we're on the front page! I consider this day the first rung on the awareness ladder, we've got a long way up, but we've taken that first, crucial step! Finally, some GOOD NEWS, right guys?

I know I don't post very much in this community, but I just had to share this exciting news with you! I hope it brings a smile to your face, and warmth to your heart. It may be a humble start, but it's something; something good!

Read the Article here:

God Bless You All!

Oh, and just in case you're wondering, when they quote "Sarah" in the article, that is me :)
X-Posted to cfids_me

chronic fatigue syndrome, articles

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