Feb 24, 2011 18:49
Oh gawd. I am in sooooo much pain. I mean, way way more than usual. I know this is long, and I'd really appreciate any input you have...
I'm in the midst of titrating off of Neurontin/Gabapentin. This is the worst thing ever. EVER, and I've broken both my feet (twice each) and had major jaw surgery.
I am super super super miserable. I cannot wait to get off this horrid crap. It helped the pain (it felt far away when I did hurt) but I was so depressed I couldn't MOVE most days, much less live any sort of life (despite being on 120mg of Cymbalta). So, I'm going through the agony of withdrawals. This is seriously worse than opiate withdrawals.
Not only am I hurting in all my joints and my major muscles, I'm having these waves of chills/pins and needles/tiny frozen needles that are near to debilitating and oh FFS I can't find my other wrist warmer. All that gets me through the day right now is the fact that I am in a better mood than I have been in nearly a year, this will pass (oh god it better) and my fhusband has been rock climbing for a year and has really strong hands for nice back rubs.
Seriously, this is so hard to cope with right now. I tried searching for coping with medication withdrawal symptoms, but I just get a whole bunch of stuff either for mail order drugs or about how not to relapse (no worry of THAT ick).
Anyone have any ideas that might help with the pins and needles/nerve misfiring and body pain? I'll list out what I've been doing/what I have access to:
I've been covering myself in all sorts of warm, cold and anti-inflammatory rubs, getting back rubs when the man is home, taking baths is out and warm showers are really painful/unpleasant with the pins and needles. I've got a heated blanket I've been using when I'm not too hot. A weighted warm rice pack for my back. I've been drinking water, taking extra calcium, vitamin D, multivitamins and whole foods. I have a TENS unit (though it needs new pads, the ones I have will do, I think) but it never seems to work deep enough to get to any of my pain, and I don't have enough pads to cover my whole body with. :P I've been doing gentle stretching when I can, and lots and lots of deep breathing/meditation. But still, the middle of the day, or when I wake up at night, and I am lying there in agony and I can't find any position that doesn't hurt like fire and I'm shaking from waves of my nerves misfiring is really really starting to stress me out. My major pain areas are my back, hips and knees, if that helps give any ideas.
I go to my pain doc tomorrow and have my first psychiatrist appointment next week to sort out my meds. I don't know if there's anything medication wise I can ask for short term to help get through this any easier.
Thanks so so much, even just for reading and being here. I've been going through this for a couple weeks now and just now have been able to get onto a laptop to type this out. I've been reading on my iPhone and it's next to impossible to post/comment on the dang thing.