Nov 11, 2010 21:35
Our pediatrician suspects that our (almost) 10 year old foster son has fibromyalgia. This is so upsetting to me I can't even wrap my head around it, though I've also had my own suspicions that I've tried to put out of my mind for the last 5 months since he moved in with us. I try to rub his shoulders and it always hurts him so much. He always has so many aches and pains. His (biological) mom has IBS and anxiety and bipolar... he has anxiety and IBS himself... all the pieces are just really starting to fit together and it's upsetting. The pediatrician has asked us to track his tender points for a while and then call if they are consistent with the fibromyalgia tender point chart and ask for a referral to a rheumatologist. Of course as someone with FMS myself I know the tender point chart is not the be-all and end-all but it's not a bad idea for me to try to do a little tender point testing on him, keep an eye on *which* body parts specifically hurt him, etc before we make an appointment. They'll no doubt do some bloodwork to rule out other things. My poor baby. It would be an awful diagnosis for him because so few people understand fibro in general, let alone in children. There is little research about fibro in kids. The pediatrician said he just saw it in a SEVEN year old!
Anyway, this post is to ask if other people have kids with fibro, and to ask for any online resources you have regarding fibro in kids. Diagnostic criteria, treatments, what to look for, research, etc. I am so overwhelmed with caring for my 10 year old and his toddler brother (who was placed with us just a few weeks ago) that I haven't even had time to Google about it yet! I am terrified that this diagnosis fits him. Would appreciate any info you have about what fibro looks like it kids, whether it goes away, and what helps kids manage the symptoms.