I ran across a product called Nerve Shield at the nutrition store this week and it looked interesting enough to pick it up. The lady who runs the store is very knowledgeable and also suffers from CFS so she's been very helpful in the past. I asked about this product and she couldn't really tell me much as it's new and she hadn't gotten any feedback. So I thought I'd see if anyone here had tried it. I'm giving it a try and I will update later if I feel like I've had any improvement from it.
Nerve Shield from Redd Remedies Another one that I'm trying is called
Protandim which is an anti-oxidant from what I've read. My brother brought me a bottle in hopes it would help me. I've been taking it for almost 2 weeks and can't really say I've seen any effects from it, but I'll finish the bottle and see what happens.
So far the only supplement I've really seen any great improvement from is Magnesium. I take it at night and also take an Epsom salt bath every night and I can definitely tell a difference from having been doing this for a month or so. As of today I'm actually upping my Magnesium by adding more in the morning (this ups it to the recommended dosage on the bottle). Since it can upset your stomach if you aren't used to it (and it did initially when I took it at night) I started with just the one pill daily.