Jan 07, 2007 07:32
I'm trying to figure out if the FDA has on their website anything like whether or not a drug is a controlled substance and what class it is, as well as what the different classes mean. It doesn't necessarily have to be the FDA's website, but any other website with info like that that one could point me into the direction of.
Also, I'm trying to figure out the prescribing guidlines for certain subtances. Like is it the law that you can only get a 15 supply of Soma(brand name)/Carisoprodol (generic)?
I was taking Darvocet for a while and it was good for moderate pain days, but I suspect a combination of stress (grandmother, who I'm very close to, is on her way out), and a drastic weather fluctuation had left me in more pain than usual, the worst yet because it had me in tears: a drastic increase in temp and humidity for two days followed by a drastic decrease in temp, fall of humidity and lots of wind. I've learned a change in 10 degrees is enough to set things off for me, and weather systems don't necessarily have to be overhead but hovering nearby.
So now I'm on Vicodin that was called in over the weekend. I'll see my doc this week to see if this is a permanent change or if it was just for this crisis.
I read on a forum somewhere that the FDA would allow chronic pain patients a longer supply of pain meds. Even though my co-pay is only $10 every 15 days for a couple of my pain meds, it would still be nice if I could somehow get more at once because I'd still pay $10 for a 30 day supply. I've actually skimped on my meds as much as possible to get them to last longer to pay less, but then when the pain hits, it's all the worse. Maybe I should just really pay closer attention to the weather and start my max daily dose when something bad is coming.