Oct 06, 2003 16:14
Well, after a nice weekend I don't feel so dumpy about the work situation.
TTC month #2 is on the way. I think I timed things right and now I'm waiting for my temp shift to tell me that I ovulated. I had some serious ovulation pain yesterday evening but my temp hadn't gone up this morning yet. I have a pretty good feeling about it this month, though I may have just jinxed it by saying so.
I had a serious preggo moment today-- obviously not, but I haven't done something like this since I was preggo-- I went to the supermarket with Seth and our list, all his snacks, drink, etc. I even remembered my sunglasses. We got all done shopping, a full basket, I reached for my purse to get my debit card out and ---- NO PURSE!! I hadn't lost it, I had just neglected to bring it with me from the house. So, they had to put all my stuff aside, I had drive back home, retrieve the purse and return to the store. Meanwhile, Seth falls asleep on the car ride, stays asleep all the way in and back out of the store, all the way home. I moved him to his bed and he still sleeps on.
BUT, 7 or 8 minutes later, he's awake and will NOT go back to sleep, despite nursing and walking for 45 minutes in the stroller!!! 40 minute nap total for the day.
I can't believe my daycare provider hasn't called to tell me he's melting down yet.