Oh my god!

Jun 21, 2008 17:31

One of the projects I'm working on at the moment is the American tour for the Childrens Performing Company of Australia. I've been involved in the last three of their overseas tours (always happy when they go somewhere english speaking, trying to explain a peanut allergy to a place in Venice was tough!) organising public performances, sight seeing etc.

This time they're going to New York amongst other places and want to do performances there and are possibly also going to be involved in the New York Music Theatre Festival which is on at the time. I've been doing some research about youth theatres in the hope of finding one there we could do workshops with and get cheap theatre hire from. Have been dealing with one but my contact there is now on leave until end of June. Been trying to get hold of the person who's handling her area in her absence to no avail. I was up super late last night and called him at 2am. And booked a theatre in New York, on Broadway. It's only been today that it's actually blown me away (was a bit tired and drunk at 2am!!!). How hilarious! I've booked a theatre on Broadway! He's sent the contracts and specs through so I've got to go through all the fine details now but it's amused me no end today!
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